Astro Isha

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Aries Ascendant

     Aries Ascendant is an aggressive ascendant, has abundant musculine energy and is quick to think and act. Natives whether male or female are quick thinkers, do well in career and are quite independent in approach.

     Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Aries Ascendants has flamboyant Leo Sign. While seventh house for Aries Ascendant has balanced and fashionista Libra Sign. Below are the likely qualities of lovers and marriage partners that Aries Ascendant are likely to find.

Aries Ascendant Lovers

     Leo Sign rules the fifth house of romance for Aries Ascendant. As such lovers would have some traits associated with Leo Sign like high levels of confidence, flamboyance and aristocratic nature. Lovers maybe royalty or atleast they tend to act like one. Lovers are likely to be adventurous and most likely prefer trekking over beaches. Lovers would also love to socialize and love to be center of attention in social events. Lovers prefer to watch movies, music shows and other fun events.

     Downside is lovers are spendthrift and unable to keep a check on finances. Other issue is huge ego of lovers which can often lead to conflicts.

Aries Ascendant Spouse

     Libra Sign rules the seventh house of marriage for Aries Ascendants. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Libra Sign. Spouse may provide a more balanced view of life. Spouse can be a fashionista who may love perfumes, trendy clothes and makeup. Spouse may also be an aristocrat or atleast behaves like one. Spouse whether a male or female should show high decorum and utmost grace in his/her behavior.

     On downside spouse is often judgmental. If spouse find the native to be in wrong than they would most likely oppose native on that particular issue atleast. Spouse is also likely to be emotional especially female spouse. As such too much anger can have negative consequences on marriage life.

Love Marriage Chances High

     Sun rules house of romance while Venus rules marriage house for Aries Ascendant. Sun and Venus travel very close to each other in horoscope and many times are in same sign. As such chances of love marriage are high. On downside Sun burns down romance and passion after marriage due to its proximity to Venus who is planet of marriage, sex and romance. As such natives who opt for love marriage are likely to see decrease in romance and passion as marriage progresses.

Just Rough Idea

     A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Lover if any should have a confident personality while spouse should have some affinity towards fashion. Spouse is likely to be judgemental and quite refined and restrained in speech and actions. They may love deeply but unlikely to showoff. On other hand lovers are likely to tell the world how they are infatuated towards natives with Aries Ascendants.

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