Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Aries Sign is a movable sign, fiery in nature and possesses masculine energy in abundance. Naturally Aries Ascendant is ideal for males in most place. It provides them with abundant energy, vigour and aggression to get work done quickly and efficiently.

Aries being ruled by Mars likes quick thoughts and fast actions. This ascendant is ideal for career where there are time constraints be it hospital emergency ward, military covert operations, premium trains, sports etc. Placement of Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Moon is ideal in ascendant.

Benefics and Malefics

Jupiter, Sun and Mars are benefics. Jupiter is the best benefic while the next is Mars.

Saturn, Mercury and Venus are malefics with Mercury being the worst malefic.

Moon is considered neutral for this ascendant.

Venus is the only maraka for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Males have tall to medium height. They are generally thin. But over time they can build a good physique provided they exercise regularly. They have reddish complexion. There are possibilities of scars, pimples or boils on the face. They have an injury mark on head or near the eyes. They have prominent eye brows with long face and neck. 


Males are energetic, ambitious, enterprising and courageous. They may have hot temper and direct speech but that is more than covered by a golden heart. They will go out of their way to help others even at their own expense and well being. People often confuse their straight talk for arrogance.

Males can remain active and agile even during bad times. No amount of hardships can keep them depressed for long. Their quick thoughts and actions are an asset to any company they work for. On downside they maybe impatient and can be prone to anger which can spoil relationships.


Males can excel at any job or business where quick thoughts and actions are required. Places where there is competition and challenges are places where they thrive the most. They can have a successful career in sports, marketing, project management, army, police and transport. Aries ascendants can excel at any place where there are time constraints and time bound delivery required. Their ability to constantly keep working without getting tired or depressed is a major asset in times of crisis. They can also become farmers and earn wonderful profits from growing juicy fruits and vegetables. Real estate is also suitable provided there is strength in fourth house and Moon.

Business related to restaurants, fast food chains, luxury hotels, sweet items, electrical appliances, cosmetics, clothing and fragrance are suited for them. They can also have a successful career in IT especially software management, in marketing or as physios or support staff in sports. They can become very good orthopedic surgeons or surgeons in trauma center provided Mars, Ketu or Saturn influence tenth house of career or sixth house of service.

Marriage and Family

Males are sexually active and love physical relationships. They are quite romantic and not afraid to express their feelings in front of others. Love for them is more or less associated with physical attraction. They are quick to fall in love and likely to go for impulsive marriages. In rare cases they are likely to be violent in relationship.

Marriage is based on physical needs but can be a happy experience provided they opt for submissive partner. Normally they are born in rich and affluent family due to aristocratic Taurus in second house. Fiery Leo in fifth house can limit the number for children for them but children can be intelligent and bright. Relationship with mother can be much better due to caring Cancer in fourth house. There can be ego issues with father especially if tenth house and Sun have bad influences.


Male natives can have issues related to stomach and intestine. Also possible are piles, boils, acne, severe headache, skin problems and blood impurities.


Smart, kind, independent, full of vigour and vitality, courageous, music lovers, optimistic, honest and modern in thinking and approach.


Angry at drop of hat, instability and troubles through rash actions and behaviour, not magnanimous in defeat, very impatient, make quite a few enemies through actions and speech, spoil many a relationships.


Not to do rash driving or death defying stunts which can cause fractures, serious injuries and even result in death. This hold especially true if there is association of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu with eight house or its lord Mars.


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