Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Aries Sign is a movable sign, fiery in nature and possesses masculine energy in abundance. Aries Ascendant is not so ideal for females in certain places where their individual freedom is restricted but brilliant placement where there is free speech, equal opportunities and no gender bias for them.

Aries being ruled by Mars likes quick thoughts and fast actions. This ascendant is ideal for career where there are time constraints be it hospital emergency ward, military covert operations, premium trains, sports etc. Placement of Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Moon is ideal in ascendant.

Benefics and Malefics

Jupiter, Sun and Mars are benefics. Jupiter is the best benefic while the next is Mars.

Saturn, Mercury and Venus are malefics with Mercury being the worst malefic being the lord of third house and sixth house.

Moon is considered neutral for this ascendant.

Venus is considered a maraka for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Many times females have a long face, thick and rough hair, prominent eye lashes, redness on face and mostly light brown eyes. They have some sort of scar on head or near eye. They are medium in height and slim. They look quite in control of things.


Females are energetic, dominating and quite impulsive. They are aggressive in speech and demeanor. They possess independent thinking and love imposing themselves on others. They dislike being deprived of freedom of choice and can get into fights to protect their rights and dignity.

Ideally they have a great career in management. They are the types which every top corporations want in their firm to get things moving. The female quality of assertive speech is always with them which makes them potent at work place. In countries where there are restrictions on freedom for female and dress sense imposed on them is where they struggle the most. 


Females can excel at any job or business where quick thoughts and actions are required. Places where there is competition and challenges are places where they thrive the most. They can have a successful career in sports, marketing, project management, police and transport. Females can excel at any place where there are time constraints and time bound delivery required. Their ability to constantly keep working without getting tired or depressed is a major asset in times of crisis. Farming is a possibility and there can be wonderful profits from growing juicy fruits and vegetables. Real estate is also suitable provided there is strength in fourth house and Moon.

Business related to restaurants, fast food chains, luxury hotels, sweet items, cosmetics, clothing and fragrance are suited for them. They can work as physios, project manager and in marketing department. If Mars, Ketu and Saturn influence career or service house than career in medical sector especially working as nurse or surgeons in trauma center is a possibility. They can also carve an excellent career in pain relief or as an anasthetic.

Marriage and Family

Females with Aries Ascendant are sexually active. They like to dominate the partner and are advised to pursue a partner(male or female) who doesn't mind being submissive. Two aggressive partners staying together is bound to cause problems in marriage. Ascendant being lorded by Mars and their seventh house being ruled by Venus generally means physical attraction takes precedence over emotional compatibility.

Fiery Leo in fifth house could limit number of children unless Jupiter influences fifth house. Aristocratic Taurus in second house generally means a loving, rich and affluent family. Generally females derive more happiness from mother as caring and emotional Cancer rules their fourth house.


Females often complain of head ache and migraine problems. Besides stomach and intestine problems, piles, boils, acne, skin problems, blood impurities are also possible. Even injuries to head are a possibility. 


Smart, kind, independent, full of vigor and vitality, courageous, music lovers, optimistic, assertive, honest and modern in thinking and approach.


Angry at drop of hat, instability and troubles through rash actions and behavior, very impatient, make quite a few enemies through actions and speech, spoil many a relationships.


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