Many people can ace theoritical exams. But practicals can humble lots of ace students. Similarly in astrology one can read tons of astrological texts and gain knowledge. But practical experience can suggest an entirely opposite scenario. There was an article how MarsxVenus in same sign or aspecting each other act as magnet for couples. There was also an article to suggests MarsxVenus are prone to having extra-marital affair. Our software which predicts love marriage mentions MarsxVenus as one of the combinations for love marriage.
Ofcourse there were charts where the theory of MarsxVenus leading to runaway marriage, love marriage, great sex life and intense physical attraction made sense. But there are also charts where none of our assumptions hold true. Below are the example horoscope where our assumptions were proven wrong.

Above provided horoscope has MarsxVenus in eleventh house and aspecting fifth house of romance. Surely that should have meant atleast one or two love affairs and possible marriage via those affairs. But as of now the native is nearing his forties and has no known romantic liason.
He was married around thirty years of age which is late for MarsxVenus aspecting fifth house of romance. And strangest of them all native got into arranged marriage albeit via help of social media. Exalted Saturn in ascendant and aspecting seventh house of marriage all but ensured native focused on career and stayed away from any romance before marriage.

Concerned native is living abroad on foreign shore. Native introduction to his partner happened via relatives and in-laws although matrimony profile of native also played a key role. At first spouse and native didn't take things further as they were living far apart. But after sometime the spouse of native contacted him and both decided to take things further. Thus marriage happened in 2017. And they have two wonderful kids out of wedlock.
But off late native has complained of less physical intimacy and romance in marriage. Ironic considering both native and spouse have MarsxVenus together in Leo Sign. This should ensure couple has strong physical attraction and high sex drive and yet the opposite scenario currently holds true in marriage life.

Above provided horoscope is of a male native who is nearing his mid-thirties. He has no clue when and how he would find his life partner. Fifth house of romance has MarsxVenus in a friendly Aquarius Sign. Furthermore Mars happens to be marriage house lord while Venus happens to be ascendant lord. When ascendant and marriage lord are together there is high chance of love marriage. Even romance lord Saturn is strong and presence of Rahu fortifies it. Inspite of so many combinations for love marriage native is struggling to find a decent girl to marry him.
Astrology can best be described as predictive science. It basically predicts probability of an event happening in life of a native. There is no guarantee that the event will definitely happen. The theists or believer who seeks astrological guidance needs to understand astrologers base their assumptions on certain principles and planetary combinations. But that doesn't mean that principle or combination in horoscope would provide the exact fruit as prescribed.
Astrologers should understand that not all theory works out in practise. As such one should refrain from giving guarantees. There maybe factors in horoscope which can negate your predictions. There is also karma of an individual and selfless bhakti which has the power to change even Vidhaata's vidhaan. As such astrologers should remain humble and tell their clients that what they are saying is a probability not an absolute certainty.
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