Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Taurus is a fixed sign, earthy by nature and female by gender. This ascendant is ideal for males cause it makes them good cultured and well mannered. Males born in this ascendant are sensual, romantic, well-dressed, diplomatic and calm individuals. They are generally attractive looking. They are calm, intelligent and peaceful. They don't like to get into unnecessary fights or confontrations.

Taurus being the sign of Venus provides wealth, luxury and good fashion sense. Taurus being second sign also provides males with good speech or melodious singing voice, good knowledge of finances and wealth management and even knowledge of family planning.

Benefics and Malefics

The best benefic is Saturn as he owns the ninth house and tenth house. Also Mercury, Mars and Sun are benefics.

Jupiter and Moon are malefics considered malefics. Ironically Moon exalts in ascendant.

Venus is considered neutral being the lord of ascendant even though he owns sixth house.

Mars and Mercury are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Males can be dark or fair complexion depending on ascendant nakshatra. They are generally good looking. They have a broad forehead and thin neck. Body build maybe medium or fat with plump thighs. Age is not visible for them and they retain their youthful looks for a long time. They like to dress up, apply deodarants, sprays and even opt for a therapy at a good salon to look attractive.


Males are fond of luxury. They are articulate, aristocratic with a refined speech and polished demeanor. These qualities make them happy and successful in life. They use tact and diplomacy to solve their problems and hate confontration. They like to mingle with upper class of society.


Both business and jobs are suitable. They can rise to wonderful career heights due to their high intelligence and calm approach to life. Standalone business is more favorable compared to partnership business. They can have a wonderful career as a doctor, pharmacist, banker and in IT sector. Also suitable are career as an actor, politician, musician or artist. Anything associated with luxury or rejuvenation including spa's, salon, hotel, restaurants, hospitals and therapies are places where they can thrive.

Males are excellent with finances and wealth management. As such they can become investment bankers, stock brokers and fund managers. They can also work in banks as employees or start their own financial, gold, investment or stock related company. Males could also carve out a successful career in real estate especially buying, selling and renting luxurious apartments and royal palaces. If Sun and fourth house are in strength than they can earn a good income from farming and agriculture especially cultivation of grains.

Marriage and Family

Males can attract many female admirers due to their good looks, refined speech and polished demeanor. A peculiar tendency of male natives is to marry a person with toxic traits like jealousy, suspicion and excess insecurity. Spouse are also secretive and hide things from male natives. This is due to Scorpio in seventh house. On bright side spouse is fiercely loyal and loves them deeply. In marriage males are the better halves and may require to constantly console their suspicious spouse.

Normally marriage is based on physical attraction. Family can have a few chatty individuals due to Gemini in second house. Children can be competitive and practical and there are chances of verbal differences with children due to Virgo in fifth house. Mother can be confident personality and an extrovert due to Leo in fourth house while father can be caring but unsure at times due to Aquarius in tenth house.


Males with Taurus Ascendant are prone to acidity and indigestion. Also cold and cough, venereal diseases. eye infection and diseases are all possible. 


Art lovers, calm and composed, refined speech, polished demeanor and peace loving.


Lazy, arrogant, look down on others especially rich individuals, excessively pacifists and unable to take clear stand, unable to persevere.


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