Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Gemini Sign is a dual sign, airy in nature and male by gender. Gemini provides high intelligence levels, extempore speech and great convincing powers. Gemini being a dual and airy sign can create a wavering mind. On bright side its an ideal ascendant for natives who wish to migrate and settle abroad.

Gemini is the sign of communication. As such females are generally born with good communication skills and convincing abilities. Gemini also makes them good with maths, logic and facts.

Benefics and Malefics

Venus is most benefic planet for this ascendant. Saturn is also a functional benefic who owns ninth house.

Mars is the most malefic planet being lord of sixth House and eleventh House. Sun is also a malefic being lord of third house. Jupiter is a functional malefic.

Moon and Mercury are considered neutrals for this ascendant

Jupiter and Moon are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Females retain youthful looks for long time. Height can be medium or short depending on nakshatra and genes. Normally they have a oval face and curly hair. Complexion maybe light or dusky depending on ascendant nakshatra. They have thin and long arms, veins could be visible. They normally develop skin problems on face like pores and acnes.


Females of this ascendant are intelligent, chatty, articulate and can speak on range of topics. They are blessed with very good memory. They are excellent communicators and can be quite assertive in speech. Gemini being a dual sign can result in emotional breakdown once in a while especially if Moon is also afflicted. They can act edgy, confontrational and argumentative at times. They are prone to fault finding and mocking others.


Females can have an excellent career in counseling, teaching, as a lecturer, in marketing and sales. They can thrive in any place where communication and speech is essential. They have excellent argumentative abilities and analytical brains and as such are suited for roles of lawyers, software programmers and developers, mathematician, researchers, news broadcasters, political spokesperson, tour guides, speech writers and training specialists. Geminians can also carve out an excellent career as stock investors and traders and can earn a decent side income from stock markets.

There is also a chance to become psychiatrist, biologist, botanist or counselor. Females have good mimicry skills as such they can become excellent mimicry or voiceover artist. Starting business related to hospital, medicines, education and coaching institute is ideal for them. They can even work as pharmacist. Gemini's can also start their own software or mobile company which provides service related to database, design, programming and testing. Geminians are excellent at finding faults which can give a good career in Quality Control, Quality Engineer, data scientist, critiques, food or fashion critic etc.

Marriage and Family

Fiery Sagittarius in seventh house means spouse can have anger issues. Many times females belittle and criticise spouse and that too in front of others which causes frictions in marriage. Females are short sighted in romance and often fall head over heals very quickly. They are quite romantic and portray their romance via eloquent speech, poems or songs accompanied by music. There is a good chance that spouse is a doctor, pharmacist, lecturer or religious figurehead.

Females are calculative, smart and logical and they generally opt for an accomplished life partner. Spouse is more likely to be better half both as an individual and in career accomplishments. Children can be beautiful but quite judgementive due to Libra in fifth house. Mother can be argumentative, realistic and instills competitive nature in female natives. Father can be kind, caring and emotional person who cares and loves them greatly.


Females are prone to acid reflux . Besides that heart diseases, skin problems, blood pressure, indigestion, dehydration, stones in stomach and flatulence are all possible. 


Cleanliness, eloquent speech, good convincing power, intelligent, good memory and excellent communication skills


Argumentative, overtly critical of others, fault finding, talkative, unable to take criticism, taunting and making funs of others.


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