Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Cancer Sign is a movable sign, watery by nature and female by gender. Moon is lord of this ascendant. Shri Ram was born with Cancer Ascendant. This is one of the best ascendants for both males and females as it gives a genuine personality with caring and compassionate attitude. Jupiter in Cancer is the greatest benefic a person can have. The only flaws for Cancer Ascendant natives are the first marriage and health.

Benefics and Malefics

Jupiter and Mars are considered benefics. Mars is the best benefic being lord of fifth and tenth house.

Venus and Mercury are considered malefics.

Saturn, Moon and Sun are considered neutrals for this ascendant.

Saturn and Sun are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Females are beautiful with a fair complexion and round face. They generally have clear skin and attractive facial features. They have small hands and feet and prominent breasts. They have chubby cheeks and small nose. They have short to medium height. Eyes maybe blue in caucasian females while black in others.


Females are emotional and take decisions with their heart. This ascendant gives a genuine personality as well as caring and kind nature especially if ascendant nakshatra is Punarvasu. Birth with Pushya or Ashlesha nakshatra in ascendant can make females self reliant from a very young age. Ascendant in Pushya or Ashlesha can give a complicated personality as these nakshatras belong to Saturn and Mercury.

Females of this ascendant are generally epitome of forgiveness and loyalty. There are times when they may feel depressed and down in the dumps. Due to their sincere and honest nature they are often exploited by others. If there is Mars in ascendant or aspecting it they they could be emotional mess with anger issues.


Cancer Sign represents home, motherland and mother. As such business related to real estate, defense, cooking and counseling are well suited. They can start a real estate or construction business, start their own restaurant, hotel or fast food chain, start manufacturing of defense equipments and weapons and also help others by starting charity foundation, pet shelter, community support or immigration advisers and helpers.

Their kind and loving nature makes them ideal for roles of doctor, nurse, counselor, community helper, immigration and emotional support. Besides that they can also work in defense sectors, education, religious institution, hospitals or in government. They are less suited for jobs which require analytical work and logical skills. They are more suited for jobs which involve support and care.

Marriage and Family

Normally the first marriage is a challenging experience due to Capricorn in seventh house and Aquarius in eight house. Both signs are ruled by Saturn and as such there is a possibility that both spouse and in-laws are rigid. Generally speaking females are loyal, caring, sincere and devoted but all they get in return is the opposite. In case of over bearing spouse and in-laws its recommended for females to seek separation. Second marriage being ruled by Leo and Sun maybe a better experience for them.

Females can be manipulated by lovers due to Scorpio in fifth house. Same combination also leads to tough relationship with children. Mother can be loving and caring personality due to Libra in fourth house. Father can be tough and also have anger issues due to Aries in tenth house.


Females can suffer from dehydration. They can also have frequent fevers. They can also suffer from stones and infection in kidneys, urinary tract and urethra area. In case of weight gain they can also suffer from knee problems.


Kind, obedient, orderly, empathy and imaginative


Impatient, short attention span, pacifists and emotional.


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