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Maryada Purshottam

Shri Ram is the soul of Bharat which is modern day India. Shri Ram is revered cause he steadfastly followed his duties and obligations as a son, brother, husband, warrior and later as a king. He never strayed from path of righteousness. He was known as Maryada Purshottam because he was best among men at following his respective duty within the accepted boundaries and norms of society.

Ram's Horoscope in Valmiki Ramayan

Valmiki Ramayan is the original biography of Shri Ram written by Maharishi Valmiki. Maharishi Valmiki has been extremely thorough in his description of Shri Ram going as far as describing the planetary configurations and nakshatra at the time of birth. They are mentioned in Balkand Eigteenth Sarg(Chapter) in shloka(verse) 8 and 9.

ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ऋतूनां षट् समत्ययुः |
ततश्च द्वादशे मासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ || (18-8)

नक्षत्रेऽदितिदैवत्ये स्वोच्चसंस्थेषु पंचसु |
ग्रहेषु कर्कटे लग्ने वाक्पताविंदुना सह || (18-9)


After completion of rituals nearly six seasons have passed. On the ninth tithi of the twelfth month Chitra(Chitra is a month in vedic calendar).

When nakshatra(constellation) of day is ruled by diety Aditi(Punarvasu) when five planets were in own exaltion signs. There was Cancer Ascendant rising and lord of speech(Jupiter) was with Indu(Moon) in ascendant.

Simple Translation

Ram was born with Moon in Punarvasu at time of birth. Ram had Cancer Ascendant with Jupiter+Moon in ascendant. There were five exaltion planets namely Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces and finally Sun in Aries. Also he was born on ninth day(tithi) of Waxing Moon.

Modern Interpretation and Arguments
  • Modern interpretation is fuelled by K. N Rao and astrologers who believe his words to be the Gospel Truth. They argue स्वोच्चसंस्थेषु here means own or exaltion sign. And since Moon is in Punarvasu nakshatra in own-sign Cancer that means condition is fulfilled.
  • First point of argument is the tithi occurence. In modern context its impossible to get ninth tithi when Moon is in Punarvasu unless Sun is placed in Pisces.
  • Second point of argument is third house has Virgo. Its lord Mercury will be in tenth house so siblings will rise above Rama.
  • Third point of argument is twelfth house has Gemini. And its lord Mercury in tenth house will cause foreign trips.
  • Fourth point of argument is Sita going to exile with Rama. Seventh house lord Saturn which defines spouse is aspected by twelfth house lord which defines foreign trips.
  • Fifth point of argument is whatever astrological concepts are applied in modern day would be applied in previous era also.
  • Sixth point of argument is Sun in ninth house will decrease longetivity of father(Dasrath).
  • Seventh point of argument is an avatar of God cannot have a debilitated planet. So debilitated Mercury in ninth house is just not possible.
  • Eight point of argument is how Rama died. He took Jal Samadhi where he ended his life by going into waters. Second house is known as a maraka house or death house. Its lord Sun is in ninth house which is ruled by Pisces which is a water sign. So end came via water.
Point By Point Rebutal
  • Tithi Issue: There is just three degree and twenty one minutes difference for Moon to be in Punarvasu and Sun to be in Aries. In Ramayana times star formation were different. For example currently north pole star is Dhruv Tara(Polaris) located in Sagittarius. In Ramayana times it was Abhijit(Vega) located in Capricorn. Earth not just rotates but wobbles also. Our solar system is not stationery but is moving at speed of 230 km/second in our universe. So there is every chance star formation were different which led to different calculations for tithi.

    Ofcourse at present we cannot find the associated evidence. So we do accept this is hypothesis and Mr. K. N. Rao is accurate in his assumption here.
  • Second point is fame of siblings. None of the other three brothers were as famous as Rama. And career fame and accomplishments for Laxman and Shatrughna atleast can be attributed to exalted Sun in tenth house just like Rama. Even Bharat had exalted Sun. Reference: Balkand Sarga 18 Shloka 15.
  • Third point is twelfth lord in tenth house causing foreign trips. Problem here is Ram was sent to exile not on a foreign trip. Ram stayed in Chitrakoot for close to eleven years which is barely 270 km away from Ayodhya. His foreign trip to Lanka only came after Sita was taken away by Ravan.
  • Basic argument of fourth point is flawed. Sita's decision to go on exile should be judged from her horoscope. Sita herself in Ayodhya Kand Sarg 29 Shloka 9 mentions how astrologers had foretold her of long periods of exile as her destiny. A heavily pregnant Sita had to go back in exile even after Ram came back to Ayodhya and became king.
  • Fifth point is astrological concepts remain constant. It doesn't necessarily hold true. One example would be change in education house. In oldern times it was knowledge and grasping capacity so fifth house defined education. In modern times its about reproducing what you learned in exams which is best described by fourth house.
  • Sixth point of argument is factually inaccurate. Dasrath did die when Ram was young but Dasrath didn't have any sons until old age. So Dasrath lived a long life.
  • Seventh point is an incarnation of Shri Vishnu cannot have a debilitated planet. What Mr. K. N. Rao forgets is exalted Sun in quadrant would grant Rama Panch Mahapurusha Yoga. This would give Rama fame similar to Shri Hari Vishnu as quadrant houses are also known as Vishnu Sthanas.
  • Eight point of argument is Rama's death. Why does Mr. Rao forget Ram was on verge of death thrice on battlefield. Twice due to Indrajeet who used Nagpash and Brahmastra. And third time when Rama and Laxman were taken hostage to Pataal Loka by Ahi Ravan. That can only be caused if maraka lord Sun is in Aries aspected by Rahu, Mars and Saturn. Rahu's aspect cause Nagpash attack since Rahu represents serpents, Mars aspect cause release of Brahmastra since Mars represents weapons and finally Saturn's aspect cause Rama to be taken hostage by Ahi Ravan. Saturn after all does represent subjugation and imprisonment. Ram was born in Punarvasu which is the star of revival and rebirth. So he escaped death countless times on battlefield.
Ever Lasting Fame

Tenth house defines career, associated fame and career accomplishments of an individual. Biggest problem with K. N. Rao's deduction is its utter failure to address the everlasting fame associated with Shri Ram. How can Mercury in enemy sign(Aries) with aspect of Mars, Saturn and Rahu give such everlasting fame and urealistic accomplishments of Rama. One of the few notable horoscope with Mercury in tenth house would be Albert Einstein who had Mercury doing NBRY with exalted Venus.

If Mr. Rao and his disciples can show us people with only Mercury in tenth house especially in Aries Sign whose fame has been ever lasting like Shri Ram we would try and accept his hypothesis. All his claims are based on tithi and Sita accompanying Rama.

We can produce many horoscope who received ever lasting fame due to Sun in tenth house or Sun in Aries including Yogi Adityanath, Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler and Harry Truman,

No Ego Issues

Another point of contention is no mention of ego issues with siblings in Valmiki Ramayan. Ram argued with Laxman but never had ego issues with Laxman or any of his other siblings. How's that even possible with Sun aspecting Virgo and Venus aspecting its debilitation sign? Its only possible if Venus+Mercury aspect third house from ninth house.

Defining Dasrath

Main problem is ninth house being used to define Dasrath the father of Shri Ram. Every problem starts from here. According to Bhrigu Samhita tenth house defines a father. In rare cases ninth house does define father as mentioned in BPHS. But that's only when father also imparts knowledge and teachings of dharma in children. More information in article: Father House Conundrum

Dasrath was a Kshatriya who used to hunt and even participated in war between Devtas and Asuras. He was heavily injured twice on battlefield and saved by Kaikeyi who got two boons due to them. He accidentally killed Shravana while hunting and got cursed by Shravan's parents. All these wars, heavy injuries and hunting are not possible with Sun in caring Pices and with two natural benefics Jupiter and Venus influence on it.

Also Dasrath died in Putra Moh where he was overtly attached to his son Ram which is more likely due to Rahu's aspect on tenth house and Sun both of whom define father.

Not Meant To Offend

Ofcourse every astrologer has a point of view. And we have the deepest of respect for Shri K. N. Rao. But that doesn't mean one should take all his hypothesis or other notable astrologers hypothesis at face value.

We admit we can be wrong in our hypothesis as well. And we would gladly correct and acknowledge our fault. But at present over whelming evidence suggests Shri Ram was born with five exaltion planets and Sun in Aries. Only one point at present requires to be proven false and that is the tithi occurence. Otherwise all other points just don't make sense judging from how Rama's life in Valmiki Ramayan shaped out.

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