There are lots of differing views on astrology. For example Maharishi Parashar who wrote Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra(BPHS) mentions ninth house as house of father. While Maharishi Bhrigu who wrote Bhrigu Samhita mentions tenth house as house of father. Many other famous astrologers including Varamihir, B.V.Raman and others mention ninth house as house of father. But there are few astrologers who go with observation of Maharishi Bhrigu also.
In modern times based on observation the views of Maharishi Bhrigu seem more accurate. Ofcourse there are exceptions also when ninth house for father makes much more sense. We have provided example horoscope for both tenth house and ninth house as father where we know the individual and their father personally.

In above provided horoscope the native has an emotional and caring father. Father is known to worry too much and even shows signs of panic attack once in a while. Father is quite negative and dislikes enjoying little joys of life. Father is quite active, hard working but at the same time impatient.
Tenth house perhaps would best describe the father. Moon makes the father emotional and caring. Saturn makes him hard working while Saturn+Moon gives father his negativity. Ketu makes the father a kill joy who dislikes enjoying little joys of life. And aspect of Mars and Rahu makes the father impatient and gives him panic attacks.

Above provided horoscope is of a native whose father was religious, stern and a task master who imparted strong and sometimes rigid family values in his children. He died after reaching fifty due to heart attack and was working in government sector in the Indian railways. He was quite strict with his children and quite rigid when it came to following religious norms and traditions.
In this scenario ninth house for father makes much more sense. Jupiter and Sun drive him towards spirituality and religion. Saturn's aspect makes him a litte rigid. Aspect of Mars makes him stern and gives him anger issues. And his identity as a government sector employee makes much more sense due to own-sign Sun and Jupiter in ninth house.
This website from start has gone with Maharishi Bhrigu's interpretation of tenth house for father. We would not like to force our view on anyone as we admit we can be wrong in our hypothesis. As one can see we are already wrong in our assumption based on second example provided.
What we do know is most astrologers past or present attribute ninth house with religion, spirituality and higher studies. In oldern days father used to impart sanskars(cultural teaching), religious teaching and knowledge of family traditions and crafts in children. So in oldern days ninth house for father made much more sense.
In modern world the father just works and earns a living for the family. Most children today either have frosty and bitter relationship with father or are proud of their father(majority of females). That's best described by the tenth house which deals with ego, pride and achievements as well as career and career progress.
Many astrologers are guilty of deducing other qualities about parents, spouse, siblings and other relatives from a given horoscope. For example ninth house for mother's health and possible diseases as it is sixth counted from fourth house. Fourth house for career of spouse as it is tenth counted from seventh house.
Horoscope is unique to an individual. Only certain idea about his/her relationship with others is possible from their horosocpe. Some qualities may match in loved ones but not everything would make sense by judging the associated house as ascendant.
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