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House Of Gains

     In vedic astrology eleventh house is known as House of Gains. Eleventh house deals with income and networking. In modern day its probably the third most important house after ascendant and career house. Afterall your networth and networking abilities decide your status in society in modern world.

     Most people forget that eleventh house also deals with friendship. Having supportive friends is just as important as having caring parents, loving spouse, kind siblings and obedient kids. Below are the possible qualities of friends when nine planets occupy the eleventh house.


     Sun burns down everything in its path. Having strong Sun in eleventh house can limit number of friends. There is every chance of ego clash and misunderstandings in friendship during bad transits. On the bright side Sun in eleventh house gives confident and enterprising friends who push native to do better. They help bring out the best in native. They can help native with confidence as well as career. Having strong Sun in eleventh house can also suggests influential political friends or being friends with royalty.


     Having influence of Moon on eleventh house would ensure kind and caring friends. Strong Moon can give emotional and supportive friends who are happy with your success. Weak Moon can give friends who have destructive tendencies and can cause ones downfall. Having a co-tenant with Moon in eleventh house gives much better results as compared to standalone Moon. Co-tenants like Mars, Jupiter or Venus would give much better friends. While Saturn, Rahu or Ketu as co-tenants can give troublesome and deceitful friends.


     Having influence of Mars on eleventh house would ensure friends who stand by you during difficult times. Mars is hot headed and not afraid to speak his mind. As such natives should expect harsh words from friends in case they act naive or stupid. But when time comes to shove they would be the first one to help. With strong Mars there are more chances of male best friends. Mars in eleventh house means friends can impact relationship with family members as well as savings. A weakened Mars in eleventh house can ensure enmity with friends in a bad transit or making enemies out of others in order to help a friend.


     Mercury in eleventh house would give you talkative and chatty friends who can never stay silent. Mercury is all talk and no action. So when in trouble its best not to rely on your friends to bail you out. On bright side Mercury is analytical and logical, has very good general knowledge and is quite good with Maths. As such friends can give good analytical and logical advise. They can also help you with your finance and provide you accurate information when required to help you get out of troubles. In short they can talk you out of troubles but can't walk you out of troubles.


     According to Bhrigu Samhita Jupiter is natural lord of eleventh house. Having influence of strong Jupiter via placement or aspect on eleventh house is ideal. Jupiter blesses native with loyal and trustworthy friends. Native also has huge list of networking contacts that he/she can rely on to get work done. Native begets loyal and trustworthy friends who are helpful, kind, caring and supportive. Jupiter can ensure friends who stand behind like rock in times of need. There is also a good chance that friends can help with business and even marriage especially if native is a female.


     A strong Venus in eleventh house would ensure native has more female friends irrelevant of gender. And native would receive far more help and support from female friends. In case of male natives having Venus in eleventh house means their friends can help them find their future life partner. Venus is articulate, aristocratic and has a refined speech. Venus loves luxury, fashion, romance and travels. Venus in eleventh house can give rich and influential friends who love to spend money on native. Ofcourse weak Venus could ensure friends who use native for their materialistic gains.


     Saturn in eleventh house can limit the number of friends and networking contacts. Saturn may give very good friends but circumstances in life would ensure you have a bitter fallout with few of them at certain point of time. Saturn is the planet of hard work and selfless service. Strong Saturn can provide friends who help you and work hard for your cause without any sort of expectations in return. Ofcourse a weakened Saturn in eleventh house can ensure friends who are jealous and with a very negative outlook towards life who can become hindrance to your progress. Saturn's aspect on ascendant from eleventh house means friends influence can affect mental thought process of the individual.


     Rahu is less ideal in eleventh house as it would give you pretentious and back stabbing friends. Rahu may give good number of friends but he would surely give one or two friends who secretly envy you and act as frenemies. On bright side strong Rahu can give huge social networking circle. If native can use them to their advantage than they can be of wonderful help in business and marketing. Rahu knows no boundaries, prefers shortcuts and loves to break the rules. This can give friends who encourage natives to take risks especially in business and stock markets. Friends can also encourage native to break rules for fun and try anti-social behavior which can land the native in trouble.


     Ketu is a loner and anti-social. Ketu in eleventh house would ensure there are very few friends. Ketu is without a head and directionless. As such natives are less likely to be inspired or motivated to do better by friends. Ketu is anti-social and a rebel. Friends may push native towards anti-social behavior and encourage him/her to become a rebel who goes against wishes of family and society. On bright side friends can help native heal when he is hurt and can also help him move towards spirituality.

House Lordship Debate

     Many astrologers and clients claim Saturn to be natural lord of eleventh house. Its absolutely true Saturn along with Rahu rules Aquarius which is eleventh sign. But to suggest that Saturn the significator of poverty and misery rules house of gains is bit hard to fathom.

     According to Bhrigu Samhita the natural lord of eleventh house is Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of hope and abundance. Its only apt that Jupiter holds lordship over the house of gains. Having strong Jupiter in eleventh house not only guarantees stable and good income but it also ensures lots of loyal and trustworthy friends as well as huge set of networking contacts. Saturn comparatively is far less ideal in eleventh house.


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