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House Of Gains

     As explained in the previous article the eleventh house also known as house of gains can be used to decipher the type, quality and quantity of friend that a native has in his/her life. In previous article we shared the type of friends that native begets via having certain planets in eleventh house. In this article we would try and decipher the type of friends likely via twelve ascendants.

    All a native needs to be aware of is his/her birth-time ascendant as well as eleventh house for that particular ascendant.

Aries Ascendant

     Aries Ascendants have Aquarius Sign in their eleventh house. Aquarius is the sign of networking. Aquarius in eleventh house can give lots and lots of friends. But Aquarius is erratic and panics very quickly. Aquarius may give lots of friends and networking contacts but physical help in times of need is less likely from friends. Such friends are more likely to provide contacts and information to help get the job done. Aquarius is also sensitive and discreet. As such friends can be sensitive who take offence very quickly and may also be secretive and not share everything with native.

Taurus Ascendant

     Taurus Ascendants have Pisces Sign in their eleventh house. Pisces is the compassionate and caring sign. Having Pisces in eleventh house can give friends who listen to you and give you logical and sane advise. Friends may not be able to toil for you in times of needs but they should always be available to give emotional and moral support. Pisces in eleventh house can give huge circle of friends and social network. On downside friends are less practical and can be spendthrift too.

Gemini Ascendant

     Gemini Ascendants have Aries Sign in their eleventh house. Aries is action oriented and hot-headed sign. Having Aries in eleventh house would ensure you have friends who would go to any length to help you. But at the same time they are likely to get angry and berate you if they think you are being niave and stupid. They are great help in times of need but can make you feel awkward sometimes when situation requires them to be graceful and subtle.

Cancer Ascendant

     Cancer Ascendants have Taurus Sign in their eleventh house. Taurus is an aristocratic sign with refined speech and appropriate demeanor. Taurus in eleventh house would give friends who talk graciously and say kind and caring words to you. But don't expect them to go out of their way to help you. You should have minimal expectation from friends to bail you out of troubles especially if planets like Venus, Moon or Jupiter influence eleventh house. Friends can be rich, graceful, charming and fashionable especially if there are no bad influences.

Leo Ascendant

     Leo Ascendants have Gemini Sign in their eleventh house. Geminians are expert talkers and love being expressive. Having talkative and expressive friends suits Leo Ascendants who love being center of attention. Gemini friends maybe able to give constructive advise during troubled times but rarely would be able to help physically. As such its futile to rely on friends during tough times. Leo Ascendants are susceptible to flattery and prone to being egoistic. As such their progress can be hindered by listening to their Gemini friends who are expert flatterers.

Virgo Ascendant

     Virgo Ascendants have Cancer Sign in their eleventh house. Cancer is an emotional and caring sign but at the same time it has a sensitive and soft persona. Trouble is the practical and realistic Virgo Ascendants just can't appreciate their caring and sensitive friends. Males born in Virgo Ascendants especially struggle to tolerate the emotional and sensitive nature of certain friends. Amount of friends may decrease as Virgo ascendants grow older and more practical. On bright side your friends should be genuine well wishers and would be happy with your success.

Libra Ascendant

     Libra Ascendants have Leo Sign in their eleventh house. Leo is a confident and enterprising sign but at the same time its egoistic and self-centered. Librans can have quite a few influential friends as Leo is sign of royalty but Leo inspired friends can be boastful and egoistic which can harm native's progress if he decides to indulge in small talk. Its important that native remains fair and balanced around friends and doesn't get carried away by their larger than life personas. On bright side there can atleast be one influential friend with power and authority who can bail you out of troubles during difficulties.

Scorpio Ascendant

     Scorpio Ascendants have Virgo Sign in their eleventh house. Virgo is realistic and practical sign. The Scorpions often need a healing touch to deal with their traumas and difficulties but are provided a dose of reality by their friends. Over time Scorpions tend to grow distant from their friends. On bright side friends can give excellent practical advise even if they may appear critical of you. Also Virgo provides competitive friends who like to push natives to achieve success and recognition inspite of personal problems.

Sagittarius Ascendant

     Sagittarius Ascendants have Libra Sign in their eleventh house. Libra is the sign of balance. Having Libra in eleventh house can give you judgemental friends but they would carefully weigh all the options and give you best possible solution to your problems. Friends can be rich, influential, aristocratic and fashionable especially female friends. On downside when situation demands to stand unequivocally by your side there would be atleast one judgemental friend who would stand against you cause they believe you are in the wrong.

Capricorn Ascendant

     Capricorn Ascendants have Scorpio Sign in their eleventh house. Scorpio is a secretive and toxic sign. Having said that Scorpio is lorded by Mars. As such friends can be helpful in times of need. They may care for you deeply but never be able to tell you properly. Ofcourse Scorpio's are full of secrets. As such they may hide lots of information from you. On bright side they maybe able to confine your deepest darkest secrets to them. But they would never be able to trust you to ever open up fully in front of you. In case there is a bitter fallout with your friends than these guys can combine heaven and earth to ensure your downfall.

Aquarius Ascendant

     Aquarius Ascendants have Sagittarius Sign in their eleventh house. Sagittarius is deeply spiritual sign who specializes in healing. Having Sagittarius in eleventh house can give you friends who help you heal both physically and mentally. Friends would also help you in your quest for spiritual progress. Ofcourse Sagittarius is fiery sign so do expect some harsh words and frank talk from them if you go astray. There is a good chance that some of your friends can be from medical profession or associated with religion and spirituality.

Pisces Ascendant

     Pisces Ascendant have Capricorn Sign in their eleventh house. Capricorn Sign is practical and career-oriented. In addition Capricorn is likely to be miser and way too serious for liking of Piscean Ascendants. Having Capricorn in eleventh house would give friends who are way practical, career-oriented and serious. They could never understand your insecurities and difficulties. In first place friends would be few and not much help or gains are possible from them. Ofcourse Piscean Ascendants are kind-hearted, cheerful and easy going. As such they require atleast one friend with Capricornian qualities who is realistic and serious and puts things into perspective for them.

Only Rough Idea

     Only rough idea is possible by analyzing the eleventh house. One would also need to check the planets in eleventh house as well as placement and strength of eleventh house lord. Sometimes certain beneficial transits or dasha periods can allow gains and huge help from friends and social circle. Other times there can be animosity and troubles via friends during bad transits and dasha periods.

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