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Fifth House

Fifth house is the significator of children in horscope. Fifth house needs to be analysed for couples planning child birth. A good fifth house is the cornerstone for having healthy, beautiful, intelligent and obedient children. A bad fifth house normally suggests complications in child birth or possible frictions with children later in life.

Friendly influences on fifth house in birth-time and transit chart can allow for smooth delivery without much complications. Inversely if there are malefic influences on fifth house in birth-time and transit chart than chances of miscarriage are not entirely ruled out.


Jupiter is significator of children among planets. Along with fifth house condition of Jupiter is equally important in determining children and their inherent qualities. Jupiter is the planet of abundance. Normally those who have more children have Jupiter influencing fifth house or second house in a friendly sign or strong Jupiter with fifth house or second house lords.

Jupiter's influence on fifth house doesn't necessarily guarantee more children. But it does increase chances of raising and dealing with children in one way or another. That could include teaching children, running orphanage or any simiar roles where children are involved. Not just human children it can be children of any other animal species.

Second House

Second house deals with family and wealth. Those who have more than three children are likely to have a good second house. A bad second house has been known to delay starting one own's family and having children. Troublesome placement of Mars in second house and aspecting fifth house can sometimes cause complications in pregnancy and limit number of children.

Seventh House and Venus

Seventh house deals with reproductive organs. According to vedic astrology sperm count in males and egg count in females are controlled by seventh house and Venus. While twelfth house and to some extent eight house determine sex life the ability to reproduce and have an offspring is largely determined by seventh house and Venus. If there is strength in both than there are chances of having more children. If there are malefic influence on seventh house and Venus than there can be difficulties in conceiving children in natural way.

Dasha-Antardaha Period

Vimshottari dasha is equally important in determining favorable time to plan pregnancy. Majority of the miscarriages that seem to happen are during bad dasha(period) and antardasha(subperiod). A favorable dasha-antardasha period of fifth lord, second lord, Jupiter, Mercury or Venus is much more likely to allow smooth delivery without complications.

Planetary Transits

Planetary transits and friendly influence are much more likely to allow pregnancy and smooth delivery. Conversely troublesome transits of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu especially on enemy sign in fifth house seem to cause miscarriage. Ofcourse friendly influence of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu on fifth house may allow child birth but some complications still possible during pregnancy.

Avoiding Planned Births

Many parents plan to control destiny of their child via planned birth around favorable astrological timings. General observation is such planned births rarely get it right. And many times such planned births result in child having terrible luck. As astrologers our honest and humble advise to parents is to avoid planned births. You cannot change prarabdha(fate) of an individual via astrology. Vidhaata(God) has a cruel way to punish such shortcuts and the child has to deal with terrible ordeals for crime his/her parents committed.

Avoiding Sex Determination

Determining gender of child is banned in countries like India. And as such many times parents come to astrologers to determine gender of child. Its important to understand astrologers rarely get it right. As such its best to avoid queries related to gender of child.

Also its important to avoid blaming woman for gender of child as males chromosomes XY determine gender of a child.

Trust Science Only

Astrology by all means is a predictive subject. It can never replace a well-researched subject like medical science. Couples especially females can use astrology to check favorable times and transits for planning pregnancy. But they should always stay in touch with a doctor specifically a gynecologist during pregnancy. Regular medical checkups are a must for females during pregnancy period.

Using Fertility Clinics

If there is a problem with conceiving a much better idea is to visit fertility clinics. There are several procedures including IVF, medicines and surgical procedures which can allow joy of child birth. Instead of astrological remedies which may or may not work we strongly recommend visiting your nearest fertility clinics.

Don't Delay Pregnancy

Science has proved beyond a doubt that sperm count in males and egg count in females decrease as they grow older. Its important to not delay planning child birth and pregnancy beyond a certain age. Science says planning child birth before mid-thirties is ideal. Many males and females today seek to run away from starting family in name of modernity. Problem is the reproductive organs start to suffer from complications after a certain time period. In such cases consulting astrology is useless. And even consulting fertility clinics may not produce the desired results.

Avoiding Toxic Feminism

Women are truly blessed as they have ability to bring life on this earth. The joy of becoming mother is indeed a gift of Gods. Unfortunately toxic feminism today has reduced this blessing to a curse. In modern world pregnancy, child birth and raising children are considered as troublesome exercise instead of divine blessings. Certain males are also driven by wrong idea of freedom and individuality which is why they delay marriage and child birth.


Child Bearing Age: Healthline Article

Ageing Affects Fertility: American College of Gynecologists

Sperm Count Affected With Age: National Institute of Health Study

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