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The Shy Drop-Out

     Mr. Gautam Adani is an Indian industrialist and one of the richest persons on the planet. At writing of this article his stocks have seen a massive correction. With future looming dark many investors, analyst and critics have started to analyze and scrutunize his companies. As astrologers all we can do is analyze his chart and try to figure out if his success is over-hyped or well-deserved. And whether future holds promise or problems for him.

     Mr. Gautam Adani is a shy and private person. There is little or no knowledge about his private life as he rarely makes any notable media appearances. He has done very few candid interviews. So we will go by information available in public domain about him.

Note: We can be wrong about some predictions as we do not have his actual time of birth. But based on information in public domain we would try an honest analysis of his horoscope.

Gautam Adani Horoscope
adani horo
adani horo
The Balanced and Calm Individual

     Mr. Gautam Adani appears quite balanced and calm individual. Inspite of many political parties, leaders and detractors levelling countless allegations and trying to incite hatred against him there is no known instance of outrage, crying victim or slip of tongue from his side either on social media or in televised interviews. Libra is the sign of balance and with Libra in ascendant and exalted aspect of Saturn there is very little chance Mr. Adani will snap and let pressure get to him.

    He may feel anger and frustrations due to aspect of Mars on ascendant but exalted Mars should ensure he never gets bogged down by them. He will work his way out of troubles. Exalted Mars aspecting ascendant makes him love challenges and not averse to taking crazy risks.

Refinded Speech

     In notable few interviews he has done he has given measured and refined speeches. He has sung praises of his fellow enterpreneurs like Mukesh Ambani, Tata House and Birla House. And never tried to badmouth politicans like Mr. Rahul Gandhi who have gone out of their way to incite hatred against him.

    Aspect of Mercury on second house has blessed him with a measured and refined speech. Not only that Rahu's aspect makes his speech alluring and attractive which maybe the reason he is able to attract investors to invest in his companies. Aspect of Mars on own-sign may make him blurt out a few honest confessions but Mercury and Rahu should ensure they are said in a way that does not offend others.

Brilliant Drop-Out

     Mr. Adani is among the long list of college drop-outs who went on to become enterpreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Mukesh Ambani. Mr. Adani dropped out from college while pursuing bachelors in engineering. Inspite of being a brilliant student the world of business intrigued him and he went and pursued his dreams over graduating with a college degree.

     Fourth house deals with basic education. Fourth house has Saturn+Ketu in Capricorn which made him opt for education on technical side. Aspect of Venus and own-sign Saturn ensured he excelled in studies but three malefics namely Saturn, Rahu and Ketu influencing fourth house all but ensured he didn't get to finish his college education.

Marrying a Doctor

     Mr. Adani's better half is a dentist. Ms. Priti Adani manages the charitable endeavors carried out by Adani Charitable Foundation. According to Mr. Gautam Adani, Ms. Priti Adani is the solid support he relies on which has kept him going. It was an arranged marriage for Mr. Adani and an interesting fact is he was unable to talk the first time he went to see his future wife.

     Strong mars in seventh house means wife can come from medical background. And Venus in tenth house meant Mr. Adani went to see his future spouse at her home. But due to aspect of Saturn and Mars he was unable to speak a word when they first met.

Abduction and Terror Attacks

     Mr. Adani was abducted with his close associate on 1st January 1998. The abducters demanded ransom in exchange for his safe release. Not only that he was also present in Hotel Taj, Mumbai when Mumbai terror attacks happened. And he was hid in the basement by alert staff members of Taj.

     His birth-time sixth house has aspect of Saturn and Rahu which makes for quite a few enemies. His abduction happened when Saturn was passing via his sixth house which deals with enemies and aspecting his eight house. When terror attacks happened both Rahu and Saturn were aspecting his eight house of death which has Taurus Sign.

His Failed Businesses

     Mr. Adani has been in business sector for close to four decades. His first job which lasted for two to three years was as a diamond sorter. Later he moved to Ahmedabad and helped his brother by importing PVC. He also start Adani Brokerage doing commodities and was also involved in import-export. He founded Adani Group in 1988 but they were just involved in agricultural products at first. Most of these businesses went bust for him.

Economic Liberation and Ruchak Yoga

     Mr. Gautam Adani has Mars doing Ruchak Yoga in seventh house. Mars is said to mature at 28 years. Accordingly there was economic liberalisation in India where outside companies were allowed to trade and make profits in India. He grabbed the opportunity with both hands and ventured into coal, power generation and transmission, coal trading and mining, oil and gas exploration and ports business and made a success out of himself.

Adani Ports

    Adani Ports remains one of the best business ventures of Mr. Adani with bulk of the revenues coming from his ports handling of cargo. Mr. Adani was given Mundra Port at a discounted price and way he tranformed it is exemplary. This is the first port to have its own private trains and rail network for sending and receiving of cargo. In financial year 2020-21 Mundra Port handled 144 MT(Metric Ton) of cargo which is a record for any private owned port. Mr. Adani has also bought multiple ports and terminals and is likely to increase their capacity and his profits via them.

    His career house(tenth house) has a watery sign(Cancer). And there is Venus+Rahu and aspect of Saturn and Mars on it. This is why he is able to deal with cargo via water route(Cancer). Saturn and Mars aspect helps set up the necessary infrastructure on the port. While Rahu helps set up networks to import-export cargo throughout India and world.

Adani Infrastructure

     Off late Mr. Adani has also ventured into airports, construction via cement business acquisition and other such endeavors. With Mars and Saturn in good condition there is every possibility that his acquisitions can give good returns in long run and add to growth story of India. But with fourth house having aspect of Rahu and placement of Saturn and Ketu there will be a few road blocks along the way which he must manage.

Debts and Income

     Mr. Adani has a total debt of 30 billions dollars(roughly 2.4 lakh crore INR) and a net worth of around 60 billion dollars(roughly 4.8 lakh crore INR). That is after correction whereas just at start of 2023 his actual net worth was 180 billion dollars(14.40 lakh crore INR). His love for risk is due to aspect of Mars but the associated debts is due to aspect of Saturn and Rahu on sixth house of debts.

     His high net worth is due to aspect of Jupiter and Moon on friendly Leo Sign housed in eleventh house of gains which gives him an abnormal income and net worth.

Sade-Sati Core Phase

      Saturn just entered Mr. Adani's fifth house where his birth-time Moon is placed and started the core phase of Sade-Sati. And within just a weeek or ten days half of his net worth vanished and together with its trillions of money from stock markets. This is cause Saturn started influencing Moon which deals with cash flow and Jupiter which deals with luck. Time until April 2025 would be tough for Mr. Adani and he will have to remain humble as his wealth is likely to get eroded and more allegations levelled at him in run up to 2024 elections.

     He could be troubled further after October 2023 with Rahu and Ketu influencing his sixth house of debts and enemies. Only positive is Jupiter's influence after 21st April 2023 which can help him stay positive and perhaps try to increase his net worth.

Will Mr. Adani Rise or Tank?

     With billions of his networth as well as that of investors wiped out question on everyone's mind is will he tank like Mr. Anil Ambani or does he have it in him to rise above the calamity. Horoscope points to the latter scenario. Its true he has one of the toughest exams via Sade-Sati and Rahu in twelfth house in 2023 and 2024 but strength in his birth-chart suggests he can rise above the calamities and bounce back.

     There is Ruchak Yoga, Sasha Yoga and Rahu in tenth house doing Raj Yoga for him. And if Mr. Modi comes back to power as predicted there is every chance he may rise back to unparallel heights and contribute to his and India's growth story.

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