Check if you have Ruchaka Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Ruchaka Yoga (RY) is part of the Panch Mahapurusha Yoga. Ruchaka Yoga is formed when Mars is in exalted sign or own sign in one of the quadrant or trine houses. In simpler terms it can only happen when Mars is in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn in first house, fourth house, fifth house, seventh house, ninth house or tenth house in a horoscope. Some texts mention Ruchaka Yoga can also be counted from Moon's placement also but what is generally observed is ascendant based horoscope is more accurate.

RY natives are not rare as Mars transit through horoscope is relatively faster. What is rare is RY showing its power as one of the Maha Raja Yogas. When it shows the concerned native gets fame as a great warrior, victorious commander/army general or even as a superstar in cinemas. Many famous actors and actress are bestowed with this yoga. There are ways like bad placement of Mars in navamsha or accompanying enemy planets which can dull the effects of this yoga.
Ruchaka Yoga(RY) effects are as follows. RY natives beget health, wealth and valor. They can achieve high position in police, army or in entertainment industry. They enjoy unparalleled fame and popularity. Sometimes they are more popular than their bosses or politicos. There is a downside to RY in that they can't be successful in areas like politics, diplomacy or negotiations. They are born to be fighters and do not know the art of tact and deceit. Period of Mars is extremely beneficial to RY natives. According to some texts RY natives earn lands and houses and riches. They are blessed with wife and children who are healthy and wealthy. There is a great rapport with siblings and they are successful in agriculture and horticulture.
When you judge RY be sure to know there is no affliction or bad aspect on Mars. RY gives wonderful results if placed alone in a horoscope or with impressionable planets like Mercury and Moon. It is the one of the few yogas which can give you fame which can last through ages.
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