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What is Saraswati Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Saraswati/Hansa Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Saraswati Yoga(SY) is formed when Jupiter occupies exaltion sign or own sign in a quadrant. It is also known as Hamsa Yoga or Hansa Yoga. If Jupiter occupies first house, fourth house, seventh house or tenth house and is located in Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces than SY is said to form. Hansa or Hamsa is the sanskrit term for swan. SY is one of the Panch Mahapurusha yoga.

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Examples of Saraswati Yoga
hamsa yoga ni
hamsa yoga si
Results of Saraswati Yoga

     One born with SY is fair complexioned and has a beautiful personality. Overall the looks of the native are quite attractive and his/her personality is magnetic. Native posseses in-depth knowledge and wisdom irrelevant of the education level. Jupiter is a natural benefic and tends to be calm and righteous. SY native is likely to live an honest, religious and peaceful life. He/She is ready to offer help and support to the needy. Jupiter is the significator for elderly and wisdom among others. In accordance it has been observed that SY natives lead a good life during old age. They are praised by all and friendly with most people. Even the ruler of the land may take notice of individual if there is no affliction. 

     SY natives are learned, happy and blessed with good health. They live a peaceful life and rarely ever cause trouble for others. They have good sets of friends and decent amount of followers. Also they have the ability to give sound advice and impartial judgements to others which is why they are very much liked. There shouldn't be any affliction via placement or aspect with SY otherwise the results of this yoga may change.

Exalted is not always good

     Jupiter exalted in Cancer can give wisdom, knowledge and happiness but many a times marriage life suffers due to this placement. Generally exalted planet means higher mandate forced by karma on the native..

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