Check if you have Malavya Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Malavya Yoga(MY) is one of the Panch Mahapurusha Yoga. MY is formed when Venus is placed in exaltion sign or own sign and located in one of the quadrant houses. In simple terms Venus has to be in Taurus, Libra or Pisces and located in first house, fourth house, seventh house or tenth house for MY to occur. Venus is associated with beauty, wealth, fame and romance. In accordance MY natives beget all the pleasures in life.

MY is a yoga which gives wealth, romance and luxuries in abundance. Those with MY are guaranteed sufficient wealth, good physique and beauty, abundant fame and blissful romance and marriage life along with good children. MY is not a rare yoga as Venus moves every month or so but what is rarity is if Venus is not afflicted when MY is formed. Generally Venus, Sun and Mercury travel very close to each other. Sun diminishes the effect of MY. MY gives great results when Venus is alone or placed with Mercury in exalted sign.
MY natives have well developed physique, are strong-minded, wealthy and happy with wife and children. They command good set of vehicles. They are self indulgent, intelligent and romantic. They are attractive to others and fond of sexual pleasures. They can even be respected by kings of the country if MY is in good condition.
Downside of MY is less spiritual progress and character development but upsides far outweigh the downsides.
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