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What is Bhadra Yoga? How is it Formed?

     Check if you have Bhadra Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Bhadra Yoga(BY) is formed when Mercury occupies the one of the quadrant houses in exaltion or own sign. In simpler terms BD can only happen in first house, fourth house, seventh house or tenth house. Also Mercury should be placed in Gemini or Virgo. BY is one of yogas which forms the Panch Mahapurusha Yoga (PMY). Compared to other PMY yogas the effects are slightly less as Mercury is an impressionable planet. Still BY happening when Mercury is with Sun in Gemini or Virgo gives great results. Mercury placed with Venus in Virgo also gives great results.  

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Examples of Bhadra Yoga
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bhadra yoga si
Effects of Bhadra Yoga

     BY natives have well built body and are youthful in looks. Mercury is a prince among the planets and to some extent those with BY like princely comforts especially if Mercury occupies ascendant. Mercury is the planet which loves to talk articulately and smartly. In accordance BY natives are analytical and possess good information on many subjects.

     Another translation says natives born with BY are strong, have well developed face and chest, youthful in appearance and are brave like a lion. They are ambitious and progressive. They get on quite well with relatives and are always eager to help them. They are progressive and innovative and capable of breakthrough in scientific fields. Progress comes gradually for those with BY.

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