What is Parivartana Yoga
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Parivartana Yoga(PY) is the unique yoga which occurs when two planets exchange houses. It is also called Exchange of Houses in astrology. PY is not a Raj Yoga but if planets are friendly than effects are no less than that of a Raj Yoga.
Rules of Fruition/Cancellation
What has largely been observed is this yoga can occur quite frequently. Some of the rules for fruition/cancellation of PY are described below.
- PY can provide better results if it occurs in ascendant chart between quadrant and trine house lords.
- If two natural benefics(Jupiter, Venus or Moon) exchange houses than the resultant PY is very good.
- If two natural malefics(Sun, Saturn or Mars) exchange houses than the resultant PY is decent.
- If a natural benefic and natural malefic exchange house then the result is somewhat good.
- If there is PY between quadrant/trine house lord and lord of a dushamsthana than the result is not as desired.
- If there is a PY between lords of dushamsthanas than result is good but resultant Vipreeta Raja Yoga gets cancelled.
- If there is a PY between lords of first house, second house, fourth house, fifth house, seventh house, ninth house, tenth house, eleventh house than results are good but if lord of third house does PY with any house in horoscope then result are not as desired.
- PY doesn't give desired results if the the planets doing Parivartana Yoga are in bad placement in the navamsha chart.
Not a rare yoga
Exchange of houses between planets is not rare. What is rare is deriving good effects of the exchange of houses. Working on the portfolios associated with the planets doing PY produces great benefits for those who have this yoga.
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