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Common Astrological Myth

     Check yogas in your horoscope using our software: Astro Yogas Calculator

     There is a common astological myth that good yogas in horoscope mean happiness and success. Once a native sees good yogas like Malavya Yoga, Hansa Yoga, Gaja-Kesari Yoga, Ruchak Yoga, Sasha Yoga, NBRY or something similar they automatically assume that their life would give them all the happiness and success they hope for. Truth couldn't be further off. Truth is many people with good yogas in horoscope see nothing but failures and miseries in their life.

     Good yogas can give ever-lasting fame and success but a native must work hard for it and persevere. Those with good yogas should be under no assumption that everything will fall in their lap automatically. Below are three examples of people with good yogas who saw many difficulties and troubles in their life.

Shree Ram

     Shree Ram is the soul of India. Possibly the greatest or one of the greatest person to have been born and lived in India. Today he is revered to as a God in India. The story of a noble prince who left all the luxuries and privilages for sake of his father's promise and enduring the difficulties and hardships of forest is immortalized in the folklore of India.

     Shree Ram had Gaja-Kesari Yoga which promises financial stability. He had Malavya Yoga which promises luxuries and romance. He had Hansa Yoga which gives happiness, long life and prosperity. He had Sasha Yoga which gives power and prestige after 36 years of age. Truth couldn't be further off. He was living like a sadhu(sage) in forest for 14 years, had to separate from his wife not once but twice, was nearly killed once in battle and never ever happy even after being crowned king cause his dear wife wasn't by his side. Yes he is immortal for his extra-ordinary feats but still no one can deny his life was full of misery and hardships inspite of having so many good yogas in horoscope.

Example 2

     Above provided horoscope is of a female native. The girl is born with Hansa Yoga in ascendant. Exalted Jupiter in ascendant grants her beautiful looks and a mesmerizing smile. She also has a Gaja-Kesari Yoga and even if weak its still grants financial stability. Yet she got duped in her first marriage by a NRI(Non-Residential Indian) who was already previously married. The NRI fraudster went to US after registering marriage in Indian courts and living with her for few days before she found out the truth. This means the girl can't re-marry until and unless the court grants her divorce on humanity grounds or the fraudster signs divorce papers.

     Situation could have been far worse but exalted Jupiter in ascendant saved her. While its true that Grahan Yoga in her horoscope led her to be blinded and duped into marriage with a fraudster fact remains that good yogas in her horoscope could not save her. Today she is having hard time getting over it and trying to remarry.

Example 3

     Concerned native is a male and is suffering from depression since November 2014. He is unemployed and has huge problems in his married life. He is born with Malavya Yoga and Ruchaka Yoga counted from Moon. Over and above his Saturn is strong in seventh house in a friendly sign while Sun is in exaltion sign and doing the Budh-Aditya Yoga even though its in sixth house. Yet all he is seeing just now is negative publicity and no paycheck for the last six years.

     Transit of Saturn and Saturn's Mahadasha period has been causing chaos and destruction in his life. Even though Saturn is in friendly sign and there are two planets causing Raj Yogas. He still cannot get out of depression and figure out whether he should do a job or start a business. Ruchak Yoga gives unlimited fame and wealth while Malavya Yoga would mean riches and luxuries. Yet the opposite seems to be true in his case.

No Guarantees in Life

     Most astrologers would give countless reasons why these good yogas do not fructify and give desired fruits. But truth of matter is some other person born with same good yogas would get the desired success and recognition in life. It all comes down to efforts that a native puts in as well as a little on luck.

     One advise to readers would be to not rely too much on good yogas to make their life better. There are lots of people with bad yogas who make it a success in life through hard work and perseverance. There are lots of people who become nothing in life inspite of good yogas cause they rely on those yogas to give them success and recognition instead of working hard for it.

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