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What is Grahan Yoga?

     Check if you have Grahan Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Grahan is a sanskrit term which means eclipse. Rahu in vedic astrology is assigned with the responsibility of causing an eclipse to the Sun which represents will-power and the Moon which represents the mind. When Rahu influences Sun or Moon than Grahan Yoga is said to be formed in the horoscope. Grahan yoga is a bad yoga which destroys rational thinking and will-power in a human being. Mostly its effects are not permanent but this yoga does show its bad effects from time-to-time.

How is Grahan Yoga formed?

     Grahan yoga in a horoscope arises when birth-time Moon or Sun are co-tenants with Rahu or Ketu.

Effects of Grahan Yoga

     Sun represents rational thinking and will-power. Moon represents the mind and thought patterns. Both of them are altered or destroyed by Rahu to give bad fruits of ones karma.

     Some of the effects of Grahan Yoga include

  1. Risky investments/gambling and losing a fortune due to it.
  2. Risky driving and breaking ones bones and hurting others.
  3. Falling in a one-sided love affair and heart break afterwards.
  4. Getting addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  5. Depression and other mental illness troubling the native.
How to handle Grahan Yoga?

     First thing that needs to be understood is grahan yoga is karma balancing at work. That the person with grahan yoga has done something in this or one of the previous lives which resulted in the present day difficult situation. And there is no way of escaping karma. Ones you understand this other things become easy.

     Good thing about grahan yoga are effects are not permanent. You can earn back the money you lose, the broken bones can be healed, you can get another wonderful love interest when time comes. There are de-addiction programs which can help you become normal again. Depression and other illness gets cured with time. Don't go doing anything stupid. A bad phase in life isn't end of the world.

Remedies for Grahan Yoga

     Praying to Lord Shiva helps. Lord Shiva is the destroyer of illusion and darkness. Even Rahu prays to Lord Shiva. There is Rudri puja which are prayers to Lord Shiva that can help somewhat.

     Its far better to do the most logical thing in a situation. Invest properly, ensure you drive properly, make sure you don't fall in one-sided love affair, stay away from drugs and alcohol or drink moderately. Stay positive and don't get too down when there are troubles in life.

     And always remember that effects of grahan yoga are not permanent. Once the bad effects run out your life can come back on track via will-power and hard work.

Celebrities with Grahan Yoga

     Mukesh Ambani, Donald Trump and Sachin Tendulkar are born with Grahan Yoga in their horoscope.

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