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What is Angarak Yog

     Check if you have Angarak Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Angarak means very hot or red in color in sanskrit. One of the names for Mars in vedic astrology is angaraka. Angarak Yog(AY) causes anger and frustration to increase in a native.

How is it formed?

     When Rahu and Mars influence each other via placement or aspect than Angarak Yog is said to be formed in the horoscope. Simply put it when Mars is co-tenant with Rahu or Ketu in same sign than Angarak Yog is said to be formed. These effects grow multi-fold if Angarak Yog influences the ascendant.

     If Mars occupies signs like Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius with Rahu or Ketu as co-tenant than effects greatly increase.

Examples of Angarak Yoga
angarak yoga ni
angarak yoga si
Effects of Anagraka Yoga

     It is one of the worst yogas to have in horoscope as it causes a person to explode with anger. Anger in turn destroyes rational thinking and common sense. Rahu as co-tenant magnifies the effects of Mars thereby increasing anger. Such natives are triggered by the smallest provocations or inaccuracies. They are like walking talking time-bomb which is about to explode at any point in time. Native regularly gets into fights with others. Good thing though is they don't keep hatred in their hearts.

     Mars with Ketu as co-tenant is a bit complicated. Ketu's natural tendency is to remain detached until and unless provoked. With Mars and Ketu together a person does feel anger and frustration but keeps it inside. But the same resentment and frustrations are slowly but surely building up inside and explode like a lava when time comes. Natives with Mars and Ketu together may have lesser issues with anger management but when they do lose cool they could cause irrepairable damage to themselves and those around.

Controlling anger the key

     There maybe thousands of website propogating rituals and yagnas for removing Angarak Yog or Angarak Dosha as it is called. But a better proposal is to control ones anger and emotions. Those with prominent Mars just cannot stand imperfections and wrongs in the society. While its necessary to raise your voice against some evils in the society its not necessary to react to each and every fault with others.

Can't change the world

     World would become dull and boring if everyone becomes similar. You cannot change the world, what you can change is yourself. If you remembers this important message than half of your anger and frustration issues can be sorted.

Foods to eat and avoid

     When you have Angarak Yog you need to avoid red meat, spicy and oily foods, caffeine products, pizzas, carbonated drink, daily consumption of alcohol, junk food and non-dairy products like dried milk and others unnatural products. Salt is the biggest factor for anger and irritation and reducing its usage is recommended for those with Angarak Yog.

     Those with Angarak Yog should try to eat spinach, cereals, yellow lentils(mung dal), bananas and watery fruits like water-melon and papaya. Also recommended is food rich in potassium which can improve mood and help the person relax.

Exercises to do and avoid for Angarak Yog

    Those with Angarak Yog should avoid steroids and body building at all costs. Heavy workout in gym only increases anger and frustration in them. They must also avoid sports like boxing, fencing and rugby which leads to increase of anger and frustration.

     They must try brisk jogging and pranayam to improve their mood. Sports like tennis, cricket, football, aerobics and swimming help combat anger and improve mood. Pranayam especially Anulom Vilom, Brahmari, Sheetali and Shitkari greatly improve mood.

Remedies for Angarak Yog

     Angarak Yog means anger issues. And the best remedy is prayers to Lord Ganesha. He is the lord of wisdom and impulses. One who has the necessary wisdom and one who can control his/her impulses feels less anger. Reciting Om Gam Ganpatay Namah whenever you feel anger is the best way to deal with stress and anger.

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