Astro Isha

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Evolution Of Astrology

     Every subject needs refinement with changing times. The subjects evolve as the perception and logic around the given subject change. Applying some of the modern principles to astrology is the right way for astrology to evolve. SWOT Analysis is a management concept used to work out strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats(SWOT) that an individual or a business faces. Applying this same principle in astrology can be effective as well as there are always strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in a horoscope. 

Knowing Strengths in Horoscope

     In Astrology the Strengths are the exalted planets or planets in friendly signs. Also benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon occupying a friendly sign, placement of such planets in quadrant houses are the sign of strength in the horoscope. If there are planets like Mercury+Sun, Moon+Jupiter or Moon+Venus than they are also classified as strengths in the horoscope. So if you have Moon+Jupiter combination then a powerful astrological yoga called Gaja-Kesari Yoga  is formed which gives abundant wealth, kind and benevolent nature. Moon+Venus gives wonderful results in marriage and romance and also in business associated with ornaments, sweets and entertainment. Mercury+Sun gives health, wealth and intelligence which is great for business, diplomacy and career as writer. Parivartana Yoga gives excellent result for the matters where the two planets involved in Parivartana Yoga are placed. 

Knowing Weakness in Horoscope

     Weakness in the horoscope are suggested by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in quadrant houses or enemy signs. Saturn+Moon, Moon+Rahu, Jupiter+Rahu, Mars+Rahu, Mars and Saturn aspecting each other, Saturn+Sun in same house or aspecting each other, Saturn+Rahu, Saturn+Ketu, Saturn+Rahu+other planets, Saturn+Ketu+other planets are signs of weakness in horoscope. They need to be thought of as challenges that need to be handled carefully and overcome through hard work, patience and perseverence. 

Knowing Opportunities in Horoscope

     Opportunities are the Vargottama Periods in Vimshottari Dasha Period. When a given planet occupies the same sign in the ascendant horoscope(D-1 Chart) and navamsha horoscope(D-9 Chart) then the planet is said to be Vargottama. It provides favorable result in his Vimshottari Dasha Period. Yogas like Vipreeta Raja Yoga and Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga can also be counted as opportunities if present in horoscope. They may or may not fructify but if present in horoscope they should be counted as an opportunity to get out of misery by the native.

Knowing Threats In Horoscope

     Threats are Sade-Sati Periods, Rahu's Gochara transit over planets especially Sun and Moon. During such times rational thinking is replaced by anger and insanity. Often the mind of the native is clouded with illusions and frustrations. At such times it is ill-advised to take any important decision. Also problematic could be 8th house gochara transit of Ketu which could bring divorce. Vimshottari dasha periods of weak placed planet could also bring troubles to the native. 

Applying SWOT leads to success

     A business can turn from failure to a success by knowing its strength, weaknesses, the opportunities for it and the threats it faces. Similarly a native can also be successful in life if he works on his/her strength, finds way to deal with weaknesses, identifies opportunities present in the horoscope and works on the threat that he/she faces from time-to-time

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