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What is Daridra Yoga? How is is formed?

     Check if you have Daridra Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Daridra Yoga is one of the yogas mentioned in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Combinations. It is a yoga formed when lord of eleventh house is in the sixth House, eight house or the twelfth house. Daridra is a sanskrit term which means a poor person. Similar to its name this yoga is known to cause poverty in life of the native.

Examples of Sankha Yoga
daridra yoga ni
daridra yoga si
Results of Daridra Yoga

          According to B. V. Raman: "Daridra Yoga natives will contact huge debts, will be very poor, will suffer from hearing problems, will be mean and will commit sinful and criminal deeds".

Considerations for Daridra Yoga

     Daridra Yoga is quite common. Eleventh house Lord in one of the dushamsthanas is a possible scenario is many horoscopes. But if the ascendant is strong then chances of poverty are quite less although chances of that person being engaged in shortcut and illegal means may rise.

     If lord of eleventh house also happens to be lord of a dushamsthana then Daridra Yoga is converted to Vipreeta Raja Yoga in time to come. For example in Pisces Ascendant, Saturn is lord of eleventh house and twelfth house. Even if Saturn is located in a dushamsthana then also Daridra Yoga is cancelled cause it does Vipreeta Raja Yoga in this scenario. If eleventh house lord is strong in a dushamsthana especially if malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu are placed then they give positive results as rule of astrology states: "Negative planet in a negative house gives positive results".

     Other such countless combinations exists in a horoscope which can negate or lessen the ill-effects of bad yogas. All that a native requires are genuine efforts to do good karma. That in turn would give him good results sooner or later.

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