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What is Bheri Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Bheri Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Bheri Yoga is one of the wealth yogas mentioned in B. V. Raman's: 300 Important Combinations. It is a yoga which gives health, wealth and prosperity. If Jupiter, Venus and Lord of ascendant all occupy the quadrants and if lord of ninth house is strong in the horoscope then the resultant yoga is called Bheri Yoga.

Examples Of Bheri Yoga
bheri yoga north
mercury bheri yogae south
Results Of Bheri Yoga

     Native with Bheri Yoga is long-lived, gains a healthy body, is a ruler and has multiple sources of income. The native is religiously inclined and begets a good wife/husband as well as children. He/She is spiritual and generous when doing charity.


     Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics. First house, fourth house, seventh house and tenth house are known as quadrants. These quadrants rule over childhood(first house), youth(tenth house), middle age(seventh house) and old age(fourth house). Placement of Jupiter and Venus in quadrants is a promise that the concerned stage of life would provide great benefits. First house in strong condition ensures that native is healthy both physically and mentally as well as attractive and charming. Ninth House rules over fortune. If the lord of ninth house is strong then chances of a fortunate, happy and successful life increase drastically.

     Bheri Yoga ensures overall happiness and comforts for the native.

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