Astro Isha

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Common Astrological Myth

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     Sometime ago a worried mother came with a query for her five year old daughter. There was visible anxiety apparent in her query. Her daughter had Kemdrum Yoga and was Manglik. And she deduced that when her daughter gets married she will either divorce, become a widow or her marriage won't happen. A normal route for astrologers is to rake moolahs from such people. Most astrologers take advantage of fear in minds of people to suggest superstitious and superficial remedies. But following that path would only ruin the purpose why this website was created.

     So on sixth anniversary of this website lets break one of the most common myth. That bad yogas in your horoscope equate to bad life. That a person born with bad yoga cannot achieve success and recognition in his life. You can check yogas in your horoscope here: Astro Yoga Calculator. Some of the most successful people on this planet have bad yogas. Below are few of those people.

Donald Trump

     Donald Trump is the 45th US President. He was a business magnate and a billionaire prior to winning elections. Not many know Trump is born with double Grahan Yoga as well as Saturn+Venus in house of losses. Yes those bad yogas do effect his rational thinking capacity and he has also has filed multiple bankruptcies and divorce due to Saturn+Venus in house of losses. But one cannot argue he is successful inspite of adversities.

Mark Zuckerberg

     Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook and owner of Instagram and Whatsapp. He controls how we consume social media. And yet not many know that Zuckerberg is born with Visha Yoga. To be fair that does make him appear emotionless and did create fall-outs with co-founders of facebook. But still it could not stop him from becoming one of the richest and most influential person on the planet.

Bill Gates

    Bill Gates is a tech entrepreneur, philanthropist and a visionary. He does quite a lot of work for removing poverty and finding cures and vaccines for various diseases. He was the richest man on the planet for quite a long time. Not many know that he is born with Kemdrum Yoga which is supposed to make a person poor. And yet there is no evidence to suggest that he would lose his fortune anytime soon.

Sachin Tendulkar

     Sachin Tendulkar is one of the best batsman to ever grace the cricket field. He is the first person to score a double ton in one day cricket. The first person and currently the only person to have 100 centuries to his to name. Sachin was born with Kaal Sarpa Yoga which is supposed to invite failures and lead to a below ordinary life. And yet the opposite of it happened. He has achieved monumental success, fame and lives an extra-ordinary life.

Yogi Adityanath

     Yogi Adityanath is born with Sun+Saturn in same sign. That does Pitru Dosha of the highest order. And yet he is a popular chief minister and a gifted orator. He may also go further depending on the work he does. Important point to note is Pitru Dosha didn't stop him from achieving something monumental in his life.

No Shortcuts To Success

     You can go about blaming bad yogas in your horoscope for your failures and misery. But do remember that some other person with the same bad yoga as yourself made it big in life. And he/she struggled, encountered failures as well as rejections like you did. Only difference was he/she did not quit. They had a desire to achieve fame and success and they finally achived that via hard work and perseverance.

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