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Co-relation between Eclipse, Riots and Anarchy

     There have been large protests in USA for murder of George Floyd around date of writing of this article. And there is a lunar and solar eclipse happening around the same time. So why the anarchy around eclipse especially solar eclipse time? Well... Sun represents the government or ruler or land and when there is an eclipse to the Sun then that means the citizens feel government/ruler of land is not handling a given situation well. They feel the need to awake the government and starts protests and agitation increasing anarchy, causing chaos and destruction as well as do crazy stuff which they otherwise won't do. Sun also represents will-power and intelligence. An eclipse to Sun means the will-power turns weak to fight day-to-day injustice and intelligence and rational thinking also goes into eclipse mode.

     Ofcourse most naysayers would want proof of this. We put here a few instances of solar eclipse and resulting lawlessness in various countries.

George Floyd Murder

     Mr. George Floyd was murdered on May 25th 2020. Result was a big agitation against racism which spread to over 50 states in the United States. Many parts of US witnessed loots, vandalism and protests. Co-incidentally it was less than a month away from solar eclipse happening on 21st June 2020. And there was a lunar eclipse which happened on 6th June 2020.

Anti-CAA Agitation

     Government of India passed the citizenship amendment act and that resulted in protest starting around Mid-December 2020. It continued well into February 2020. There were riots, brutal killings of innocent civilians and mass scale burning of property. Co-incidentally there was a solar eclipse on December 26th 2019 and lunar eclipse around January 10th 2020.

Hong Kong Protests

     Started around April 2019 the hong kong protests were generally light at first. But peaked in June and July 2019 when millions of protestors turned to the streets of Hong Kong to protests. Co-incidentally there was a solar eclipse on July 2nd 2019. There were riots on the streets with burning of property. Police fired rubber bullets as well as launched tear gas.

Arab Spring

     Arab Spring were protests by citizens in the Arab peninsula against their respective regimes. It started in December 2011 in Tunisia. Co-incidentally there was a partial solar eclipse in November 2011. Egypt saw one of the worst protests from November 2012 when thousands marched out on the streets. Around the same time there was a total solar eclipse on November 13th 2012.

India Against Corruption

     Started around April 2011 this was an effort by Shree Anna Hazare, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bediji and others as a peaceful protests against corruption practices prevalant in India. This picked up steam after the cricket world cup got over. Co-incidentally there were two partial solar eclipses in June 2011 and July 2011. While they were largely peaceful protests public sentiments against corruption and ruling party at that time were not favorable. Most citizens blamed the government of that time for large-scale rampant corruption.

Correlation is likely

     There can be exceptions to the rule. But there seems to be a correlation between eclipse and large scale protests against the government. Governments around the world can prepare better if they listen to the warning signs and try and prevent unrest among the citizens. If both the government and citizens stay calm during eclipse time than large scale protests, riots, property burning, theft, loot and vandalism can be avoided. Millions of lives and property can be saved.

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