Astro Isha

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     Astrology is open to research and criticism. That is why it has continued to thrive as a subject inspite of several critics claiming it to be bogus. By all means an individual and his/her karma are responsible for their success/failures. And astrology does not have any magic to change your fate. But astrology can guide those who are lost and need some clue how to go about making important decision in life.

      Lots of individual wish to achieve spiritual enlightenment and become a sadhu(sage). Hindus called it Vairagya, Buddhist called it Nirvana, Jains call it Diksha while Christians call it becoming a priest/nun. All of them focus on absolute renounciation of worldly desires. So can astrology predict spiritual journey. Bhagwad Puran which is an important book in vedic knowledge is very clear that only those with strong Ketu or Jupiter in twelfth house can achieve moksha or liberation from life and death. But that does not imply one cannot reach closer to the maker via spiritual journey.

     More than 50% of those who go on spiritual journey have a bad seventh house which is the marriage house. Also twelfth house which is house of sex and bedroom pleasures is likely to have troublesome placements if a person decides to leave material comforts and go on spiritual journey. Ofcourse not everyone with a bad seventh house or twelfth house becomes a sage. Some of them stay in society but feel detachment from society and marriage. What can be said with certainty is a bad seventh house and twelfth house can set you on the path to spiritual progress.

     Those with bad Sun try spirituality for soul searching as Sun is the significator of soul. Those with bad Moon try spirituality for peace of mind as Moon is the significator of mind. Those with bad Mars try spirituality to get rid of anger and hatred as Mars is the significator of anger. Two most important planets which set you on path to spiritual journey are Saturn and Ketu. Jupiter also sets a person on spiritual journey but normally Jupiter does not require person to give up on material world. Saturn normally causes acute pain and trauma which results in person losing interest in material comforts and tries to seek solace in spiritual englightenment. Ketu is anti-social and loves being a rebel. Fitting into society is just not his cup of tea. Having strong Ketu in ascendant or with Moon also gives high chances of person wanting to give up on materialistic lifestyle and trying spiritual journey. Ketu in twelfth house is a natural indicator of person going on spiritual journey.

     A few planetary combinations can also lead to growth in spirituality. Jupiter+Saturn together can lead to person seeking refuge in religious teachings and spirituality. Sun+Ketu can lead to person wanting to find his inner-self. Jupiter+Ketu can lead a person to leave material world to seek higher conscious or learning. Venus+Ketu may try marriage and other worldly comforts but gets sick of them and soon leaves on spiritual journey. Sun+Saturn causes extreme problems in day-to-day life and ultimately that person decides to leave it all for good and go on spiritual journey.

     Individuals planning to leave material lifestyle behind and go on spiritual journey must think it thoroughly before taking such a harsh decision. One must not do it under pressure. Only those who seek to reach higher conscious and have made peace with themselves, who do not have any desire or lust remaining should try the spiritual journey.


This article relies on information provided in newspaper article: Vairagya Taraf Lay Jato "Pravajya Yoga" written by Pankita G. Shah. This article appeared in popular gujarati newspaper Divya Bhaskar on 3rd Decemeber 2020. We do not claim copyright over her research.

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