Astro Isha

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No Shortcuts To Success

     While this article is indeed about astrological remedies to improve your success rate its necessary to emphasize: There are no shortcuts to success. A person must work hard and put in the necessary efforts for luck and success to shine his/her way. Having said that there are few common remedies which improve your chances of success.

Success in Marriage/Proposal

     Rohini nakshatra is the nakshatra of love and romance. Shree Krishna was born in this nakshatra. According to folklore Moon is married to all twenty-seven nakshatras but Rohini is favorite among them. If you want to get married, propose to your love interest or if parents seek arranged marriage of their child to a suitable bride/groom than time when Moon is in Rohini is the most suitable time to proceed ahead. There are far more chances of seeing success and happiness in marriage, love and romance sector if proposal/marriage is done when Moon occupies Rohini nakshatra.

Success in Medical Field

     Doctors, pharmacists, those dealing with medical supplies and healers should start their practise when Moon is in Punarvasu nakshatra. Word Punarvasu can be broken down into two words: Punar(bring back)+vasu(life) which means bring back to life. Cure of many diseases can be found or accomplished when Moon occupies this nakshatra. And chances of cure, therapy or remedy working on patient increases multi-fold if Moon occupies Punarvasu.

Success in Education Field

     Any nakshtra lorded by Jupiter can increase chances of success in education sphere. All a student needs to do is start his studies in nakshatra of Jupiter namely Punarvasu, first three padas of Vishakha located in Libra Sign or last pada of Purva Bhadrapada located in Pisces Sign. Ofcourse Punarvasu is the best nakshatra for starting studies being located in sign of Moon and nakshatra of Jupiter. But Moon in other two nakshatras especially the above mentioned padas is also a decent time to start studies for better success rate.

Success in Entertainment Sector

     Venus is the planet closely associated with entertainment, television and media. Anyone who wants to achieve fame and fortune via movies, television, social media or other types of entertainment should start their journey when Moon is travelling via Purva Phalguni. Purva Phalguni is the nakshatra of Venus and located in the sign lorded by Sun. Its also called Bhagyadevta star which means the diety who improves luck. Many famous actress and actors are born in this nakshatra. Starting any work which involves media and entertainment industry in this nakshatra improves chances of luck and success. Also favorable is Rohini nakshatra.

Investment in Gold

     This is one of the most common remedy in India. Buying/Purchasing gold when Moon passes via Pushya nakshatra. This hold especially true if day also happens to be Monday or Thursday. Dhanteras which is the day people often buy gold generally has Moon travelling via Pushya nakshatra. Pushya is the nakshatra of Saturn located in the sign of Moon. Its said that gold bought during the time Moon travels via Pushya grows a person's investment multi-fold.

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