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About Purva Phalguni

     Purva Phalguni is the eleventh nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. All the four padas of Purva Phalguni are in Leo Sign and the ruling planet is Venus. Gana(trait) is manushya(human) and the presiding diety is Bhaga who is one of the 12 Adityas. Symbol for Purva Phalguni is a swinging hammock(Jhula).

     This nakshatra is called Bhagyadevta star. All the good things in life like pleasure, prosperity, love, enjoyment and sensual pleasures are possible through blessings of this nakshatra. A nakshatra ruled by Venus in the sign ruled by Sun is recipe for good fortune, luck and prosperity.

Physical Features

     Purva Phalguni females have an oval face and well built figure. They are soft and cultured but prone to arrogance. Males have a healthy constitution, attractive personality and mixed color. Purva Phalguni natives both males and females are energetic and restless. 

Character and General Events

     Natives have a strong desire to be liked and noticed by others. They are fond of music and arts. They generally avoid conflicts and disputes and try to solve them through peaceful talks and negotiations. Natives like to travel to places where weather is clear and bright like sunny beaches or mountains. Natives enjoy freedom and do not like working under subordination. If employed at a workplace, the tend to change their jobs frequently until 45 years of age.

     Period after 45 years of age sees power and authority. They generally oppose to getting benefits at the cost of others. Natives like to be clean and tidy. Purva Phalguni natives are better off with starting their own business venture or earning an independent livelihood through arts or music. It is difficult for natives to learn new things as their scope is limited to earning fame and fortune. Career as actors, models, musicians, retail sales, travel agents, cosmetics, jewelry, wedding planners, sex therapist and marriage counselor is possible. 

Family Life

     Both male and female natives enjoy happiness and enjoyment in married life. Both the life partner and children provide happiness to individuals. Love marriage is more likely compared to arranged marriage. Native resides away from birth place and family members. Purva Phalguni natives have a good circle of friends and are quite popular in their group. Extra-marital affairs is a possible scenario for Purva Phalguni natives. 


     Dental problems are possible.


     Creative, intelligent, charming, carefree, open minded, refined, youthful


     Indulgent, impulsive, promiscuous nature, narcissism. 

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