Astro Isha

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Quite An Antithesis

     Many natives hope for a change in their fortunes via good yogas in their horoscope. They are desperately hoping for Neech Bhang Raj Yoga(NBRY), Vipreet Raj Yoga(VRY) and other such Raj Yogas to make them happy and successful. And if they have a Raj Yoga and still don't get the success they hope for they are confused. Astrologers would blame planetary avastha, paap kartari yoga or some other condition in horoscope which doesn't grant them success.

     But some other native with same Raj Yoga receives its full benefits inspite of having the same bad affliction or cancellation. Below are the example horoscopes where the supposed cancellation never happened.

Paap Kartari Yoga

     Paap Kartari Yoga is supposed to be when two malefics namely Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu cancel good effects of a planet by occupying previous and next house from the good planet. For example anyone with exalted Jupiter in tenth house won't get its good effects if Sun is in ninth house and Mars in eleventh house. More information will be provided in a separate article: Paap Kartari Yoga.

     But the same Paap Kartari Yoga could not cancel out Elon Musk's Budh-Aditya Yoga or Bill Gates from getting benefits of his exalted Saturn.

Planetary Avasthas

     Closest english term for avastha is phase of life. According to vedic astrology the degree where planet is located in a sign decides its avasthas. There are five avasthas: Bala(child), Kumara(teen), Yuva(youth), Vriddha(old age) and Mrityu(death stage). More information about avasthas will be made available in a separate article on: Planetary Avasthas.

    Point here to note is astrological texts mention that planets between 0-6 degrees or between 24-30 degrees aren't good cause they will either be in baal avastha(child stage) or mrityu avastha(death stage). And yet Narendra Modi whose most planets and ascendant are in baal or mrityu avastha has power and fame which others can only dream of.

Bad Yogas

    To be fair those with Vish Yoga, Shraapit Yoga, Kaal Sarp Yoga and other similar bad yogas can have a tough life. There are a few exceptions who achieve unbelievable success but most others do struggle with difficulties that come along the way.

     But that doesn't mean they can't achieve anything. Swami Vivekanand and Mark Zuckerberg had or have Vish Yoga. Yogi Adityanath and Bill Gates have strong Pitru Dosha due to Sun+Saturn, Shree Krisha had Kemdrum Yoga while Jawaharlal Nehru and Sachin Tendulkar had or have Kaal Sarp Yoga.

Truth Of Life

     Truth of life is we only get what we work for. Some call it The Law Of Karma. Its true that sometimes fruits of hard work take a long, long time to come. Sometimes they take decades and sometimes even in next birth.

     But astrology works on fundamental concepts of purushartha(hard work) and prarabdha(fate/luck). Prarabdha and Purushartha are not on collision course but rather run parallel and meet at some point of the road. Today's purushartha is tomorrow's prarabdha. And today's prarabdha is yesterday's purushartha. Purushartha and prarabdha are not different. Our actions(purushartha) will give us fruits(prarabdha) sooner or later whether good or bad.

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