Paap Kartari Yoga is a prominent yoga mentioned in Vedic Astrology. Paap translates to Sin in english. Kartarti means to cut or slice. Rough translation is a yoga which cuts the good effects of a planet.
Paap Kartari Yoga is a very simple yoga formed when there are two malefics on both sides of a good planet.
To further simplify it when the twelfth house and second house counted from planet has malefics than the planet is under the effects of Paap Kartari Yoga. For example benefic Venus in Libra would lose its good effects if there is Mars in Virgo and Saturn in Scorpio.

Two malefics on either side of a good planet would create difficulties and not allow the planet to function normally. Malefics on both side seem to limit the potential of the good planet. Thus the good planet is unable to show its good effects and native never achieves the fame and success he is promised by the exalted, own-sign or strong placement.
Life is quite an irony. Those with good yogas achieve nothing in life while those with bad yogas achieve extra-ordinary success. Its not the yoga but the efforts that determine success or failures.
Just ask Bill Gates and Elon Musk both of whom have Paap Kartari Yoga. Bill Gates has own-sign Venus in fifth house. While Mars is in his fourth house and Rahu in sixth house stopping good effects of Venus. Not to mention Sun+Saturn with Venus. And yet by grabbing the opportunity presented to him and investing in right places Bill Gates continues to be among the richest people on planet.
Elon Musk has strong Budh-Aditya Yoga in ascendant doing Paap-Kartari Yoga cause Saturn is in his twelfth house and Ketu in second house. Budh-Aditya Yoga grants intelligence, fame and riches. With Saturn and Ketu on either side Elon Musk shouldn't be the rich, famous or intelligent. And yet he is one of the smartest person on this planet with unbelievable riches and fame.
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