If Albert Einstein was the man of twentieth century than Elon Musk is most likely the man of twenty-first century. His innovations and ideas are likely to shape the future of humanity for a considerable future. What sets him apart from other billionaires is his ability to take illogical risk and still come out on top with hard work and perseverance.
Mr. Musk was born on 28th June 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. He moved to Canada and later to USA. He has been at the forefront of innovation in space, automation, software, transport and Artificial Intelligence sector.

There was an article named Fortune Change via Relocation. That article showed how shifting location can change ones destiny. There are many examples like actors Amitabh Bachchan and Rajnikanth or politician Narendra Modi whose life changed with change in location.
Similarly Elon Musk wouldn't be so successful if he had stayed in his birth place in South Africa. But once he moved to Los Angeles his exalted Mars moved into quadrant in ascendant and provided him name, fame and riches via Ruchak Yoga. Even Rahu does Raj Yoga when strongly placed in quadrant and Mr. Musk only become a billionaire around 41 years as maturing age of Rahu is 42 years old.
Not only that his incredible riches are a result of a fortified eleventh house of income which has Jupiter in friendly sign in his new location in Los Angeles. He has seven children which is not possible without having own-sign Venus and Jupiter's aspect on fifth house of progeny. His craze for cryptos can also be defined by having Taurus Sign and aspect of Rahu on fifth house of speculation.
Elon Musk works for close to 80 to 100 hours in a week. He has claimed to even have worked for 120 hours in a week. His birth-time chart has Sun in ascendant which gives him extra-ordinary will-power while his Los Angeles chart has Mars+Rahu in ascendant which gives him limitless energy to carry out day-to-day tasks. Ofcourse his subordinates have complained on more than one occassion about huge workload they are subjected to. Having Sun in ascendant in birth-time chart whereas Sun in sixth house of service in Los Angeles chart makes him unable to emphathize with his subordinates. He will keep pushing others working for him and this won't make him much popular with most of his subordinates.
Tesla remains the most successful venture for Mr. Musk with estimated value of well over trillion dollars in 2022. Fourth house deals with home and luxury vehicles segment. In birth-time chart there is aspect of Rahu on fourth house in friendly sign(Virgo). Also fourth house lord Mercury in own-sign Gemini doing a strong Budh-Aditya Yoga making Mr. Musk extremely smart and a marketing genius. Even in Los Angeles Chart fourth house is strong with Mars aspecting own-sign(Aries) and well-placed in ascendant with Rahu who makes him innovative in car manufacturing segment. Tesla doesn't need to spend fortune on advertisements because Mr. Musk is great at networking and promotions on social media. This is due to a very strong Jupiter from eleventh house aspecting third house of communication and advertisements.
Space X was founded before Tesla but hasn't achieved as much monetary success as Tesla. Cause space element is governed by Jupiter and inspite of Jupiter in friendly sign it receives negative aspects of Saturn, Venus and Ketu. He has encountered a few failures as well in sending rockets in space. Still its safe to assume strong Mars in ascendant would allow Mr. Musk to be known as pioneer of private space travel. His other endeavor to settle life on Mars should also be successful during his lifetime due to strong condition of Mars. Atleast he should be successful in landing astronauts on Mars. There are chances of mishaps on his Mars mission as Mars aspects eight house of death in both birth-time chart and Los Angeles chart.
Third house and Mercury deals with communication and neurological thought process while eleventh house and Rahu rule networking. There is aspect of Jupiter on own-sign(Pisces) and also aspect of Ketu on third house. Eleventh house and eleventh sign(Aquarius) both are strong in Mr. Musk's horoscope. There is every possibility that Neuralink can achieve everything that it is intended to achieve. His other company Open AI and phobias regarding AI outpacing human intelligence are a result of Rahu in ascendant.
Mr. Musk's whitepaper on hyperloop technology was received with much enthusiasm. But it seems the initial investment and cost of running it make is unfeasible as of now. Ofcourse in future such a technology maybe a great innovation. Boring company which aims to dig tunnels for faster transport maybe a grand success as his earthy signs(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) have strength in them. Ofcourse they have bad influences so success won't come without struggles.
Mr Musk just brought Twitter for close to 43 billion $. This acquistion maybe great for promotions and settling scores and can even ensure financial stability due to third house lord Jupiter in strength in eleventh house of income. Like Mark Zuckerberg having third house lord in eleventh house in Los Angeles chart may just help Mr. Musk increase his overall networth via Twitter acquisition.
Nikola Tesla was a genius who died bankrupt and miserable cause his innovations and ideas were a threat to influential people. Mr. Musk might just share the same fate as Mr. Nikola Tesla. For all his brilliance Mr. Musk is arrogant and rubs quite a few influential people in the wrong way. Trouble is effects of birth-time chart never diminish even for someone as great and brilliant as Mr. Musk.
Saturn+Venus in twelfth house of losses in birth-time chart has already shown multiple relationship failure to Mr. Musk. It might even show him bankruptcy at some point of time. And Mars+Rahu in eight house in birth-time chart can lead to a massive transformation of epic proportions which will be tough for Mr. Musk to get out of.
Irrelevant of what future holds its safe to assume Elon Musk has become immortal via his various endeavors. Ruchak Yoga and strong 5th house means his popularity will remain intact for years to come and he will remain immortal in people's memory for a forseeable future.
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