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Yug Purush

     Narendra Modi can rightfully claim to be the tallest Indian leader of the last two decades. There maybe a few worthy candidates who can surpass him in future but at present he is head above rest. Mr. Modi can be credited with 400 million(40 crore) Jan-Dhan accounts, 60 million(6 crore) tap water connections, construction of 17.5 million(1.75 crore) houses, 45 K(45000 km) of highways, 11 AIIMS hospitals, 7 IIT and IIMs, electrifying most of rural India, economy almost doubling from 1.9 trillion(1 lakh 90 thousand crore) $ to 3.05 trillion(3 lakh 5 thousand crores) $. And perhaps the biggest achievement maybe administering almost 2 billion(200 crore) covid vaccines free of cost.

     Beautifying Somnath, Kashi Vishwanath, Kedarnath, rebuilding Ram Temple, abrogation of conversial Article 370. Modi has got many things to boast off. Ofcourse he has seen colossal failures as well like failing to control inflation, bending to street agitation on multiple occasions and being unable to stop domestic terrorism.

     This article will try and predict his chances of coming back to power in 2024.

Correct Ascendant

     Mr Modi's birth-time is not available and that creates a lot of confusion regarding his horoscope. Many horoscope floating on internet show him as Scorpio Ascendant. Mars in ascendant would have made sense considering his limitless energy. But based on his behavior as Gujarat CM and as Prime Minister of India its safe to say Libra Ascendant makes much more sense.

     Libra being a sign of balance makes Modi adopt his famous Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas and Sabka Vishwas slogan. One can argue whether implementation was success or failure but neutrals would agree Mr. Modi has stuck to this belief whether its right or wrong. Scorpio Moon does make him dislike certain people but he hasn't allowed his personal dislikes to get in way of his administration duties.

Modi Horoscope
modi horo
modi horo
Saturn and Modi

     Most of the elections won by Mr. Modi have come during Sade-Sati or Panoti period of Saturn. Whether its decisive 2002 Gujarat assembly mandate or 2012 Gujarat assembly elections which propelled him to center stage. Sade-Sati was running for Mr. Modi when he contested for country's top post in 2014 and 2019 elections. Co-incidentally panoti stage would be running between in 2024 when Modi will be be re-applying for country's top post.

     It is as if the heavens have decided to test this man time and again. But as Sherrilyn Kenyon says: "Strongest steel is forged by the hottest fires". Transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars would help him in his quest for third term in office.

Rahu and Hidden Enemies

     Mr. Modi has no shortage of enemies. In birth-time chart Rahu is in sixth house which is the house of enemies. Rahu signifies everything foreign, smokey and mysterious. There are many foreign detractors including billionaires, top leaders of neighboring countries, some liberal world leaders, religious fanatics as well as majority of liberal ecosystem around the world who hates Modi. They actively fund and pray for his downfall. Most of them remain behind the scenes and common public never know of their malicious intent.

     There were many individuals and NGO's who received and still receive funds to bring downfall of Modi all of which is well-documented. Rahu provides plenty of enemies to Mr. Modi.

Rahu in 2024

     In 2024 Rahu will be travelling via sixth house for Mr. Modi. And that would mean most of these foreign as well as domestic haters would start a vicious misinformation and ugly campaign to bring about his downfall. Some of his own party members and allies may even work to bring his downfall. A few of them are already active in showing Mr. Modi in bad light even while still staying in ruling party. Chances of success are less but they maybe able to do considerable damage to Mr. Modi and his reputation.

Assassination Attempt

     There is a chance of assassinatin attempt on Mr. Modi during run-up to 2024 elections. Mars aspect on seventh house which is known as maarak sthan as well as Mars Dasha running which is lord of second house and seventh house both of which are maraka houses suggests such a scenario.

     Ketu in 12th house in 2024 suggests Mr. Modi needs to be careful otherwise worse could follow.

Can Modi Win 2024 elections?

     Horoscope, dasha period as well as planetary transits suggests Mr. Modi and his party can win 2024 elections. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn should help him win over people's trust during election campaigns. Having said that Rahu in sixth house would mean he can be troubled greatly by foreign and political adversaries. There will be lots and lots of misinformation and dirty campaign against him.

     This would most likely be the toughest election since 2002 general assembly elections in Gujarat for him. And its in his best interest to step down before Rahu Dasha starts otherwise he would see severe loss of reputation.

Planetary Degrees

     One peculiar feature in Modi's horoscope is the degree of ascendant and planets. Irrelevant of time of birth its safe to ascertain that Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn have either just entered the sign at 0 degress or likely to leave the sign. Some astrologers claim this is the reason for his extra-ordinary achievements having so many planets at start or end of sign. We do acknowledge that this claim cannot be independently verified due to lack of such unique horoscopes.

Moksha For Modi

     Strong Ketu in twelfth house suggests native can get moksha according to Bhagwat Purana. With Ketu in friendly Virgo Sign in twelfth house there is a good chance that Mr. Modi would achieve liberation from cycle of life and death when he leaves this mortal world.


40 Crore Jan-Dhan Accounts: Jan-Dhan Accounts

6 Crore Tap Water: Jal Jeevan Mission

13 AIIMS Hospital: AIIMS Hospitals

7 IIT: IIT wiki article

7 IIM: Times Article

45000 KM Roads: News Portal Article

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