Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Scorpio is a fixed sign, watery by nature and female by gender. The lord of Scorpio sign is Mars. Scorpio ascendant is favorable for males who are career oriented. Over and above it also promises a caring and loving marriage partner. The symbol for Scorpio sign is a scorpion. In accordance they have traits of vengeance, hatred and poison in their minds. Ofcourse natives never loses their Martian qualities like hard working nature and caring attitude. Irrelevant of tough exterior Scorpions would go out of their way to help others in times of need. Scorpions only hold grudge against those they believe have harmed or wronged them.

There is no planet which gets exalted in Scorpio but this is where emotional and caring Moon does get debilitated.

Benefics and Malefics

Moon is the best benefic being natural lord of ninth house. Jupiter and Sun are also benefics.

Mercury and Venus are considered malefics for this ascendant.

Mars and Saturn are considered neutrals for this ascendant.

Venus and Jupiter are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Males can have big eyes. Normally they are tall and muscular. Their speech is clear and most of times direct. Face is broad. Depending on geography skin color is dusky or light brown. A unique physical feature is an injury mark on face. They have a thin neck. They walk very fast and appear very determined. They have a tendency to go bald as they age. Their smile can be menacing at times though not always the case.


Scorpio is a secretive sign and this often creates a persona of a male who is discreet, secretive and hides certain things from others including loved ones. Qualities of ascendant lord Mars like quick thinking, fast actions, courage, determination and independent thought process are generally there. On downside the negative qualities of Mars like anger and haste are also there in them.

Over and above the Scorpion qualities like vengeance, hatred, insecurity and poisonous thoughts are also there. On bright side they do care deeply and go out of their way to help others in need. Males are not the type to forgive and forget those who harmed or wrong them. They will patiently wait for an opportunity to get even.


Males can have an excellent career in administration, covert operations, espionage, politics, as an entertainer, musician, acting, navy, marine biology and even back-door diplomacy. They could also make an excellent doctor and surgeon. Their main area of expertise is toxins and poisons which are synonyms with Scorpio sign. They can make excellent pharmacist and researchers who invent new medicines. If Sun is favorable than they could have a good career in politics as well. Males can have an ideal career in management and marketing and can rise to great career heights in leading MNC's. Strength of Mars and Sun are required for success in service sectors.

Scorpions can also become farmers and excel in producing foods that require less water. They can start their own pharmacy shop, detective agency, open a hospital or clinic, do business related to dyes, chemicals and toxins. Also suitable are business related to selling surgery products. They could also do business related to Venus like selling sweet items, starting movie production house, becoming a fashion designer, owning a clothing store, start their own cosmetic brand or opening a luxurious hotel or restaurant. Depending on strength of Venus or Moon they could achieve formidable success in business sphere.

Marriage and Family

Normally the spouse is better half in marriage. The female partner signified by Taurus can be beautiful, full of virtues and intelligent yet the native himself is full of jealousy, poison in mind and anger which makes the marriage unsustainable. It is imperative to understand that the partner is the better half in marriage. Unless there are negative aspects or placement in seventh house the partner is loving and caring person. Marriage would most likely be based on physical impulses and sexual desires due to MarsxVenus association between ascendant and seventh house.

Males can have their share of romantic affilitation as fifth house contains Pisces Sign. Lover can be caring and emotional personality which sometimes irritates male natives. Relationship with siblings can have its share of disagreements and differences. Relationship with parents can have its share of problems and ego issues. Mother can be the caring type. Father can be proud and have an accomplished career. Father would mock others especially male native and place unrealistic expectation on them.


Males can suffer from blood pressure, arthrites, haemorrhoids(piles), indigestion, hernia, bladder problems, leukemia and accidental injuries. 


Firm conviction, decisive actions, workaholic, courageous, good memory.


Hasty, cruel, conniving, selfish and lonesome.


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