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Scorpio Ascendant

Scorpio is a fixed sign, watery by nature and female by gender. Mars lords over Scorpio. Scorpio is a secretive and vindictive sign. Moon who is the planet of emotions and care gets debilitated in Scorpio. No planet gets exalted in Scorpio.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Scorpio ascendants has Pisces which is the sign of care and concern. While seventh house has Taurus which is the sign of grace, charm and aristocracy.

General observation is Scorpions get on well with both lovers and spouse. Lovers are emotionally attracted to them while physical attraction and lust draws them towards their spouse.

Scorpio Ascendant Lovers

Scorpio being ruled by Mars gives unlimited energy, courage and its share of anger issues. Scorpio ascendants are secretive and less likely to express their interest openly or propose to lovers in a flamboyant way in front of everyone. Scorpio individuals generally find lovers when they are at their emotional worst. This is when their emotions freely flow and they show their weak and vulnerable side. This emotional wreckage and vulnerability attracts lovers with Piscean qualities.

Lovers for Scorpio ascendants are defined by Pisces and its lord Jupiter. Pisces is the sign of care and nurturing while Jupiter is kind hearted and full of empathy. Scorpions emotional vulnerability, insecurities and destructive tendencies attract the Pisces lovers towards them who find it necessary to emotionally support and emphathize with individual's plight. Many times the lovers end up becoming parent or caretaker who is overprotective and worries incessantly. This in turn irritates the Scorpio ascendant individuals and they may wish to part ways from lovers.

Ofcourse chances of love marriage are incredibly high especially if Venus is in an influential position or co-tenant of Mars or Jupiter.

Scorpio Ascendant Marriage

Taurus Sign which is ruled by Venus occupies the marriage house. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Taurus and Venus. Spouse is the epitome of grace, beauty and charm especially if Venus is in good condition. Spouse is modern, fashionable and loves trendy clothes. Spouse will also love to dress for the occasion and behave in an aristocratic manner. Spouse whether a male or female should show high decorum and utmost grace in his/her behavior. Spouse is generally calm, well mannered and is level headed. In short he/she is the better half in every possible way.

Scorpio ascendants are intense lovers and would go out of their way to make spouse happy. And spouse also appreciates and cares for them. Trouble in marriage only comes via personal insecurities of Scorpions.

Spouse is generally attractive and is quite popular with opposite sex. This in turn makes the Scorpion individual insecure, jealous and suspicious. Scorpions insecurity leads them to be angry and judgemental in marriage. Their spouse tolerates their behavior for a certain time. But ultimately spouse defined by Taurus will seek peace over daily conflicts and thus seek separation.

Trusting The Partner

The foundation of any successful marriage is implicit trust, forgiveness and accepting each others shortcomings. Scorpio ascendant don't mind the flaws and shortcomings in partner neither do their spouse care much about flaws in Scorpions.

Problem in marriage for Scorpio ascendants only rise due to their inability to forgive and foget as well as their highly suspicious nature. Very rarely do spouse defined by Taurus would see extra-marital affair. Most of the time they would remain loyal to Scorpio ascendant individuals. As such Scorpio ascendants are advised to trust their spouse.

Another negative trait of Scorpions is their inability to forgive and forget. They remain vindictive towards those they feel have wronged them. This negative trait particularly irritates their spouse defined by Taurus who is generally a pacifist.

Divorce Less Likely

Chances of separation and divorce are comparatively less. In cases of divorce the primary reason is generally insecurities and jealousy of Scorpions. Spouse seeks peace and co-existence with native and others. As long as he/she gets it they are less likely to opt for separation.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.


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