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Putin: The Eternal Mystery

     Vladimir Putin remains an eternal mystery to the west. They try and try to decipher his actions and reasons behind them only to be proven wrong time and again. Ofcourse some of Putin's thoughts and actions are quite easy to understand. But west as usual prefers to see things from their own prism of truth and justice.

     Mr. Putin is a proud Russian and doesn't like interference of west in internal affairs of Russia. He is also a former spy and army man who would go to any lengths to neutralize enemies which he deems as threat to himself or to Russia. Whether its by poisoning them or by waging a war against them.

Vladimar Putin's Horoscope

     It will be hard to find Vladimar Putin's birth-time. Some reports suggests he was born in 1950. We are going with his official birth date and taking an approximate time for his birth.

     Several horoscope on internet suggest Mr. Putin as Libra Ascendant but that doesn't make much sense judging from his personality. There is also a chance of him being Capricorn Ascendant but Sagittarius Ascendant made more sense juding from way he met his wife and also from his stable career in administration.

Education and Early Life

     Mars in ascendant means Mr. Putin loved sports especially hand-to-hand combats. He is a judo black belt who used to train since he was ten years old. He also knows kyokoshin and sambo which are advanced forms of martial arts. Mr. Putin graduated from law school due to friendly aspects of Mars as well as good condition of fourth house lord Jupiter. Still its safe to assume his education wouldn't have been great experience for him due to aspects of Sun, Saturn and Ketu.

Career as KGB Agent

     Mars in ascendant allowed career in espionage. Mr. Putin worked for sixteen years as a KGB foreign intelligence officer and retired at rank of lieutenant colonel. Rahu signifies everything foreign. And aspect of Rahu on sixth house of service as well as tenth house of career meant his service role largely involved him working in foreign countries. Mars in ascendant allowed roles related to internal security in Foreign Security Service(FSB) and Security Council of Russia.

Marriage and Affairs

     Mr. Putin married a flight attendant named Ms. Lyudmila Shkrebneva in July 1983 and had two daughters with her. Venus in eleventh house of friendship meant Mr. Putin and Ms. Shkrebneva met through a common friend. Gemini Sign in seventh house of marriage and Mercury with Venus was the reason Mr. Putin married a person who was fluent in multiple languages and travelled a lot by air(Gemini is an airy sign). Ketu in 8th house meant eventual and bitter divorce from his wife. With Venus in own-sign and associated with Mercury its possible that Mr. Putin is quite a flirt. There maybe a few more affairs and relationships which are not ruled out based on his horoscope.

Head Of State

     Mr. Putin is one of the longest serving head of Russia. He has been serving as either President or Prime Minister of Russia since 1999. Sun rules administration and Saturn rules service. And both of them together in tenth house is possibly the reason for his long career as head of state. Rahu aspects on career house gave him many ups and downs but since its a friendly aspect it ensured he never had to step down until now.

Dealing With Enemies

     Mr. Putin is ruthless in dealing with his rivals and enemies. If he sees anyone as a threat to himself or to Russia he would probably do everything to eliminate that person or country. Rahu deals with toxins and chemicals and Rahu's aspect on sixth house means many of his opponents have been poisoned. Rahu also signifies illusion and mystery. Many of his opponents and critics have died in mysterious ways or disappeared entirely.

Lust For Wars

     Mars in ascendant has made Mr. Putin go to multiple wars during his stint as Russia's head. Parivartana Yoga between fifth house lord Mars and ascendant lord Jupiter has meant he has gained popularity instead of losing credibility due to fighting wars. There are even rumours of him bombing Russian civilians in order to justify going to war with Chechen Rebels. Mars in ascendant does make him reckless and drives him to frequent wars but to his credit he has not lost a single war until now.

Pets and Sports

     Exalted Moon in sixth house has made Mr. Putin an ardent dog lover. Besides judo and martial arts Mr. Putin has also displayed his love for ice hockey as well as for football(soccer). Mars in ascendant makes him competitive and fierce. Even his holidays generally involve hiking, hunting or some sort of challenging activities.

Religious Views

     Ninth house deals with religion. Ninth house lord Sun is in orthodox Virgo Sign making Mr. Putin adopt orthodox christianity. His religious views were largely imparted from his mother as fourth house lord Jupiter aspects his ninth house of religion. Jupiter's aspect on ninth house means Mr. Putin is not stuck up on his religious views and doesn't enforce on others. Fact that only 41% of Russia follow orthodox christianity after nearly 20 years of his rule is a testament that Mr. Putin allows other religious views. Also he is friends with many prominent Muslim, Hindu and Atheist leaders around the world.

Way Forward

     There are less chances of Ukraine being the last war that Mr. Putin fights. If he stays in power then chances of him being one of the central figures in another war between June 2027 to May 2032 are high. Entire world may witness turbulence during this period with Saturn+Ketu travelling close and eventually joining in Taurus Sign which is sixth house of enemies and wars for Mr. Putin.


Meeting Wife

Love For Dogs

Wars By Putin

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