It was mentioned in one of the previous articles: Mental Worries and Planets how Rahu causes anxiety and schizophrenia. In this article we will try to prove with case studies how Rahu aspecting ascendant via placement or aspect is likely to cause severe anxiety and stress in natives.
Some natives stay anxious and stressed all the time while others have been known to stress out over small and trivial issues. They make up lots of imaginary situations in their head which puts them under more stress and anxiety. One common pattern noticed in all of them is Rahu always seems to influence ascendant.

Concerned native has Rahu in enemy Sagittarius Sign placed in ascendant along with Mars. There is aspect of Saturn on ascendant. Moon is debilitated in twelfth house of losses. Mars in ascendant makes him angry and impatient. Rahu amplifies the effect of Mars as well as causes severe anxiety when stressed. Saturn's aspect leads to indecisiveness and negative attitude but its Rahu who causes panic attacks. On plus side Mars in ascendant makes him action oriented so even under stress he is able to do carry out his daily chores. But there are always times when Rahu and Saturn lead to severe anxiety and indecisiveness.

Concerned native has Rahu, Mars and Saturn aspecting his Sagittarius ascendant. Jupiter in second house makes him a motivational speaker. He can push morale of others quite effortlessly. But native himself is full of doubts about himself, unable to get out of negativity and even susceptible to anger due to aspect of Mars. When things don't go as planned is when he shows his anxieties and insecurities. He cooks up several imaginary situation inside his head and is unable to act or get out of his predicament for a long time. Due to aspect of Saturn he has severe doubts about himself and this in turn results in Rahu amplyfing his imaginary suspicions and fears. Ofcourse Rahu in fifth house gives him quick and easy route to money via money laundering but he spends most of his money on movies and alcohol which in turn further increases his anxieties about his future. He often feels envious of others and paranoid about others supposed negative views of him.

Concerned native has Rahu in seventh house and aspecting ascendant. Rahu aspecting his eleventh house of regular income means he regularly loses jobs and has no job stability. This in turn effects his mental health via aspect on ascendant. Ketu in ascendant makes him a loner who does not like to talk or communicate much with others. And aspect of Rahu on third house of communication makes him nervous and anxious during team meetings at workplace. He often complains of paranoia, communication related anxieties as well as confusion related to job functions.
It will definitely not be easy especially when Rahu aspects ascendant. First step is to understand Rahu creates unnecessary and imaginary fears. Rahu is an illusion and most of your fears are illusion. Second step is convince yourself that its better to overcome your fears and act rather than wait for things to improve. Third and most important step is not to feel embarrassed or guilty when you have anxiety and panic attacks. Its not a sign of weak mind. Its a sign that you are going through tough times and that these tough times will also pass. Learning from these tough experiences will help you grow and achive monumental success later on in life.
Note: Provided image is of Futurama character Fry which is owned by Fox Network. We do not claim copyright over image.
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