There were a few astrologers who predicted a Donald Trump win in 2020 elections. To be fair to them its never easy to predict win/loss. At astroisha we have never shied away from saying we can also go wrong with predictions. Astrology by all means is a predictive subject which relies on probability and statistics. Its not an absolute science.
Common point among astrologers favoring Trump was the dasha period of Jupiter. And Jupiter's placement in 5th house of politics and popularity at time of elections. Some of them concentrated on Vimshottari Dasha whereas the ones who predicted Trump losing relied on Ashtotari Dasha rather than common logic.

Mr. Trump is born with Leo Ascendant which along with Scorpio and Libra is the ascendant of politicians. Mr. Trump has Sun+Rahu in career house(tenth house) both of whom suggest a person joining politics. Ofcourse Rahu in tenth house means the politician is all talk and no stubstance. Or probably his political achievements are going to be inflated.
To be fair to Donald Trump he has achieved a few things which were considered impossible. He moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem which no one of his predecessor could dare. Also he was instrumental in peace deals between Israel and UAE as well as Israel and Bahrain. Over and above he got a peace deal with North Korea. He had insisted on moving American troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq which he mostly accomplished. Dreaded ISIS terrorist Al-Baghdadi was killed under his watch. US stock makets showed record highs before Corona hit and he was successful in decreasing taxes which benefitted the working class in America. Mars in ascendant and Jupiter aspecting sixth house were largely responsible for his achievements
Trump would also be known for his horrible handling of cyclones which killed thousands of people. His impeachment for his act of asking for foreign interference to win election. Trump fired record number of people during his stint in White House. His handling of affair with a porn star. And worst of all his abysmal handling of corona virus that resulted in death of 250,000( 2 lakh 50 thousand). He failed to emphathize with those who lost jobs or business due to covid situation and was too busy blaming China or Democrats. Sun+Rahu in career house as well as Saturn in twelfth house at time of birth as well as sixth house at time of Corona were responsible for his failures.
Major reason why Trump won the 2016 elections was because Ms. Hillary Clinton had Sun doing NBRY which did allow her to reach near the top but stopped her from achieving top position in her country. For Donald Trump Rahu was in ascendant in 2016. Rahu gave him the perfect camaflouge to hide his underachievements. With all his bankruptcies in business and divorces it was pretty evident Mr. Trump had no clue how to handle finances if things went bad or care for people whom he disliked. Rahu allowed Trump to mask all his failures and Mars+Saturn's aspect on ascendant along with Rahu's placement projected Trump as decisive and strong leader who can Make America Great Again.
Rahu in 2020 was passing over birth-time Sun and giving him Grahan Yoga. It also cast an aspect on sixth house of debt, disease and enemies which meant he had to deal with debt(financial slowdown), disease(corona) as well as hidden enemies in his own team many of whom he personally fired. It was never gonna be easy for Trump.
Saturn just like Sun and Rahu promise a career as politician especially working for the weak and poor. In 2016 Saturn from Scorpio aspected his career house which has Taurus Sign. He promised riches and luxuries to the common people. He promised to make the taxes lower and stock markets boom. And that was one of the reason common people voted in his favor.
Ofcourse Saturn in 2020 started travelling via Trump's sixth house which deals with debt, disagreements and diseases. If Trump had handled corona(disease), murder of George Floyd(disagreements) as well as financial problems of unemployed(debt) well he would have gotten re-elected. He failed it miserably and Saturn was never going to allow him a second term after such a disastrous failure.
Most astrologers who predicted a Trump win were banking on Jupiter in own sign in fifth house as well as Jupiter Period-Mercury Subperiod of Vimshottari Dasha Period. Problem is Jupiter is a minister among planets and Mercury is the prince. Very few politicians get the top job in country via help of Jupiter and Mercury. Last option was Sun who was already debilitated at time of election for Trump and aspected by Saturn.
Don't complicate astrology. See things for what they are. You don't require to counter a fact using astrology when logic says otherwise. There are many clients and astrologers who still believe that yogas and planets in horoscope gives success and happiness to a person instead of hard work and perseverence.
Same good yoga which gives phenomenal success to one will give nothing but failures and miseries to others. Same bad yoga which turns life of a person into a living nightmare may make a legend out of some other person. Ultimately it comes down to mindset. Astrology should only be used as a guide. It should never be used as a road map to success.
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