Mark Zuckerberg is a tech entrepreneur and founder of facebook. He also owns Whatsapp and Instagram. Mr. Zuckerberg virtually controls social media. He is one of the richest person in the world with forbes estimating his net worth to be 54 billion(5400 Crores) dollars as in 2020. He created facebook with help of few room-mates in his dorm and today over 2.4 billion(240 crore) active users log onto it everyday.

There are Capricorn Ascendant, Sagittarius Ascendant as well as Leo Ascendant touted for Mr. Zuckerberg. But Sagittarius Ascendant seems to make sense judging how his life has shaped out.
Facebook was started in 2004 with the help of four friends in college dorm. While the other friends had a role to play in website creation accolades went to Mr. Zuckerberg cause his third house lord(Saturn) is exalted in eleventh house. Third house rules over social media and placement of its lord(Saturn) in eleventh house of income is the reason why Mr. Zuckerberg earns billions from facebook. Facebook got instant success partly due to friends and their networking contacts recommendation. Over the course of years facebook has become a global brand partly due to friends and networking contacts desire to stay connected. Connection of third house and eleventh house has done wonders for Mr. Zuckerberg.
Mr. Zuckerberg mother is a psychiatrist. That is partly due to pisces sign in fourth house which deals with mother. His father was a dentist which is due to tenth lord Mercury in Aries Sign and aspected by Saturn and Mars who deal with teeth and operation. His wife is a medical professional and a pediatric which also checks out as tenth house from marriage house has pisces sign. While she does help manage facebook there is no evidence to suggest she was involved in building the website. He has two daughters which is partly due to Saturn+Mercury+Venus+Moon influencing fifth house which deals with children. All these planets are female or eunuch so chances of female child are more. There are reports that his wife suffered miscarraiges which can be attributed to Saturn+Sun influencing his fifth house.
Like most rich and influential people Mr. Zuckerberg also has court cases against him. There are several allegations on facebook and Mr. Zuckerberg. Seventh house deals with legal contracts and agreements and its lord Mercury is aspected by Mars+Saturn so legal proceedings have followed him. Eight house deals with court cases. Even his eight house has aspect of Saturn so he has lost a few court cases and had to shell out money or work out an out-of-court settlement. Over and above that he also had to sit in front of congressional hearing committee in USA.
Mr. Zuckerberg has a major stake in facebook and his reported net worth is around 54 billion $. Fifth house deals with stock markets. There is exalted Sun along with Mercury and Venus as well as aspect of own sign Mars, friendly Jupiter, debilitated aspect of Saturn and aspect of Moon. He controls nearly 28% stake in facebook. He also bought Whatsapp and Instagram and with that price of facebook stocks soared. He literally controls social media and advertisement revenues on these hugely popular apps. Influence of Sun and aspect of Jupiter and Mars made him try risky and outrageous takeovers of competitors. Ofcourse with retrograde Saturn aspecting fifth house there is a slight chance of his decision back-firing.
Everyone knows Mr. Zuckerberg dropped out in second year. That puts inclination on him having Capricorn Ascendant and heavy aspects on fourth house the reason why he could not finish his education. But natural lords of fourth house are Mercury and Moon and both of them are afflicted in his horoscope by Saturn. Also lord of his fourth house Jupiter is also afflicated by Saturn. So the incomplete education. But he did receive an honorary degree and he is quite brilliant at a lot of things which is partly due to fourth house lord who has strength in ascendant. Degree or no degree he seems to be wise and intelligent which won't be possible without having strong Jupiter in first house.
He met his wife while studying in harvard so there can be argument made that its only possible if Venus is in fourth house and he is born with Capricorn Ascendant. But there is a catch to it. Zuckerberg encountered his wife at a party organised in his college. This is only possible if Venus is in fifth house.
If he had Capricorn Ascendant than aspect of Mars and Rahu would have made him unpredictabe, moody and sometimes angry. But there are no major public display of emotions seen from his side. That is only possible if Jupiter the planet of wisdom is in ascendant and is aspected by Saturn who limits emotions.
Mr. Zuckerberg and his wife Ms. Priscilla Chan have pledged 99% of their wealth to public causes. Jupiter's influence on his ascendant and his marriage house means both him and his wife are involved in philanthrophy. They are involved in funding health, education, scientific research and energy needs. Mr. Zuckerberg is also quite interested in free internet program whereby he is planning to provide free internet to poor and developing countries.
Mr. Zuckerberg has invested in space program named Breakthrough Starshot which is intended to carry a spacecraft to the nearest star system in hope of finding habitable planets. Jupiter has excess of space element and Jupiter in ascendant has made Mr. Zuckeberg invest in the long term space program.
Mr. Zuckeberg seems to be living a dream life at present. But there are three major planets in retrogradation namely Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. And they could turn the tables in time to come. If he tries a takeover for a big company like Whatsapp or Instagram than there are slight chances of things going wrong due to retrogradation of three big planets. Again this is just a prediction. And like all astrological prediction it needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
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