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     Amit Shah is the current home minister of India and No. 2 in the Modi cabinet. His political intelligence and organistional skills have made BJP the top most political party in India. He is often dubbed as modern day chanakya. A look into his horoscope shows surprising insights into his thinking as well as the reason for his extreme calmness and wonderful organisational skills.

Amit Shah Horoscope
amit shah north
amit shah south
Modern Day Chanakya

     Mr. Amit Shah is born with a Virgo Ascendant. Virgo Ascendant gives him great organisational skills as well as calm nature. He doesn't show much signs of stress or anxiety inspite of seeing many political odds.

     Not only that his ascendant lord Mercury is in second house of speech along with Sun and has aspect of Rahu, Mars and Moon which gives him extra-ordinary convincing abilities. Mr. Shah is able to face the toughest television interviews and harshest questions with utmost ease and still able to drive his point home.

     His organisation and attention to details are so great that his party workers at booth levels are also assigned specific duties on the do's and dont's during elections.

No Mr. Clean

     Judging from the horoscope it doesn't seem like Mr. Shah has a clean reputation to boast off. And neither do his actions promote any such ideas. He has time and again used money and threat of legal actions against opponents to pull situation in his party's favor. Rahu is in his tenth house which means he would use underhanded and illegal means also for power and money. Rahu's aspect on second house of savings also means he would have made abundant money via unconventional and in some cases questionable means.

His Prison Sentence

     Mr. Shah had to go to prison in 2010 but came out clean after a long trial. Saturn is in his sixth house and aspects the twelfth house which deals with prison sentence. At that time Rahu Period-Saturn Subperiod were running both of whom suggested high chances of prison sentence in his life.

     There is a chance for another prison sentence in his life when Saturn Period starts in his life at around 73 years of age. Time between November 2037 to November 2040 as well as June 2051 to May 2054 maybe extremely difficult for him. Until then there are little or no chances of him seeing jail time.

Can he become PM of India?

     Mr. Shah is the foremost runners for post of PM after Mr. Modi. He has all the qualities to lead India. But his horoscope won't let him become a PM with an over-whelming majority like Mr. Modi. Reason is his Sun is debilitated(neecha) and Mars is also debilitated(neecha). He can become PM via help of Rahu in tenth house. Unless other factors help in horoscope its not possible for Mr. Shah to get majority on his own or run the country without forming a coalition government.

     Jupiter Period starting in November 2021 would add to his fame, fortune and popularity and allow him to showcase himself as a man who can lead the country after Modi. Saturn period afterwards can also show him power but Saturn period won't come without its ups and downs.

Shadow of Mr. Modi

     Sun rules leadership qualities and fame. Strong Mars gives celebritity and god like status to people. Both Sun and Mars are debilitated in Mr. Shah's horscope. Both of them are doing Parivartana Yoga but still it wouldn't give them too much strength as compared to what exalted Sun and Mars could give. Mr. Shah would find it very hard to come out of Modi's shadow much like Mr. Advani found it difficult to come out of Atalji's shadow.

Glorious Legacy Behind

     By all means Mr. Shah would become immortal due to his acts as home minister and as a potential future PM of India. His fifth house of popularity has aspect of positive Jupiter and strong aspect of Mars. So everlasting fame and popularity are a given when he does leave this mortal world.

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