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     A lot has been written about the Prime Minister of India Shree Narendra Modi. He is an icon for his followers. His haters find him dictatorial. Political analysis is not in the scope of this website. This website is limited to doing astrological analysis. Mr. Modi by all means is a great orator, one who likes to take action without worrying much about consequences and is quite pragmatic yet balanced in his approach.

modi horoscope north
modi horoscope south
Same Moon Signs, Different Fates

     Very few people would know that both Mr. Rahul Gandhi and Mr. Narendra Modi share the same Moon sign and that is Scorpio. While Rahul Gandhi can boast of coming from a privileged family he cannot match Mr. Modi's great oratory skills or his success in electoral results which is only possible due to warrior Mars in own-sign as co-tenant of Moon and aspecting fifth house of fame.

Great Oratory Skills

     A typical trait among those with Moon in Scorpio is that they can never get to the point and like to talk round and round. Many times the listener is unable to comprehend what they are trying to convey.

     Modi by all means is a great orator but he does have a habit of making long speechees. And he will take his own sweet time before coming to the point. In the past he used to make a few controversial statements which didn't go down well with ruling elites. But over time he has refined his speech and became a wonderful orator thanks to NBRY happening in his second house which deals with speech.

Balanced Views

Natives with Scorpio Moon are weak at mind and somewhat malicious. And Mr. Modi has shown his vengeful side to few in past. But to be fair to him he has mostly been fair and balanced in his views and approach as CM of Gujarat and PM of India partly due to having Libra Ascendant and having aspect of Saturn on it. Aspect of Jupiter on ascendant even if on enemy sign makes him an eternal optimist and one with great imagination.

Neech Bhang Raj Yoga

     NBRY is a yoga which shows the neecha traits(debilitated traits) first. There is humiliation, mockery, poverty and helplessness in life. Mr. Modi was a chai wallah(tea seller). He sold tea with his father to make a living. His mother used to clean utensils of others to make ends meet. Mr. Modi himself was a saadhu(ascetic) for many years of his youth. He has said he used to wash his own clothes, eat whatever was given and travel with a small suitcase. This was the time when the neecha traits were more.

     Then came the bhanga(breaking) of neecha state. Thus he became the chief minister of state of Gujarat. Trouble with Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga(NBRY) is the neecha traits never fully leave. From time to time you are made aware of your limitations. Mr. Modi may have become CM Of Gujarat but he received nothing but bad press during his tenure as CM. He had to go through a vicious campaign out to vilify him the likes of which has not been seen in modern India. This was all partly due to neecha bhanga and also due to Rahu in sixth house in enemy Jupiter's sign. But as they say: "Steel cannot be forged without passing through the test of fire". Mr. Modi become what he is today via those difficulties and bad press.

Fasting and Devi Worship

     Mr. Modi is a known devotee of Goddess Amba. This works to his advantage. Bhagwad Gita chapter seven verse twenty-one and twenty-two make it amply clear that supreme conscious(God) grants the wishes and enables traits of one who is worshipped in the devotee. Primarily Mars is associated with strength and vigor. Amba the fiery goddess is known to provide strength, stamina, vigor and vitality. She is Adishakti or one with limitless energy. One of the finest traits of Mr. Modi is his unlimited energy and workaholic lifestyle.

     His nine day fasting on two Navratris having nothing but lemon water with honey is not so easy to do. Just like M. K. Gandhi having Libra Ascendant has made him go through vigorous fasting habits to balance his body and mind.

A Fit Case Study

     Mr. Modi is one of the best case studies for NBRY. He has seen poverty, humiliation and helplessness as well as authority, popularity and riches. He has nothing left to prove to the world. Mr. Modi is a great astrological case study to show that even a tea seller can become the prime minister of the largest democracy provided stars favor such scenario. Not only that Mr. Modi has also shown that hard work finally comes back as good luck provided native works hard and has convictions in his/her beliefs.

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