Astro Isha

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An Important House

Fourth House is one of the most important house in horoscope. Fourth house deals with home, shelter, mother, basic education especially school and college degree, real estate, vehicles, farming, old age and inner peace. A good fourth house is the cornerstone to having a good life with good grades, house, career and vehicles. Perhaps the biggest blesssings of fourth house are having a loving mother as well as achieving inner peace and happiness.

Mental Disorders and Planets

Saturn influencing Moon or ascendant may generally lead to depression. Rahu influencing Moon or ascendant would lead to anxiety, schizophrenia and phobias. Rahu influencing strong Sun would lead to narcissim or Dunning-Krugger effect. Sun in weak condition may lead to weak will power as well as negatively impact judgement and rational thinking capacity. Afflictions to Mercury, Gemini and third house may lead to cognitive disorders. Afflictions to Aquarius and eleventh house may lead to neurological disorders. Afflicted Mars and Ketu influencing Moon or ascendant can cause uncontrolled rage, borderline personality disorder and other anger related issues. More info in articles: Mental Worries and Planets.

Unbreakable Shield

Normally any of the above mentioned combination can cause emotional turmoil, mental breakdown or over-estimation of ones own ability. This will ultimately lead to failure. But a person with strong fourth house will be able to sail through all the supposed handicaps. Cause fourth house deals with inner peace. A person who achieves inner peace can remain calm in front of life's greatest adversities. He/She can navigate the huge oceans with rough waters and bad weather even on a small ship. Such is the power of inner peace and calm.

House of Happiness

Fourth house is also known as sukhsthaan aka the house of happiness. A strong fourth house can help a person remain happy and cheerful inspite of several adversities. Those who have strong benefics like Jupiter, Moon or Venus influencing fourth house via placement or aspect could remain happy and cheerful inspite of several adversities and challenges in life. They can achieve wonderful balance between their home and work life.

Shortcut to Easy Life

Shortcut to easy and fruitful life is having strong benefics influencing fourth house. There will be loving parents especially mother, good educational grades, job in reputed company, home and work life balance, spacious house, land assets, luxury cars, happiness and inner peace.

In many ways a good fourth house can be considered a blessing from heaven. Or it can also mean the native has done some very good karma in past lives which results in an easy life in this birth.

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