BJP and Modi went into 2024 general elections as clear favorites. BJP and Modi even coined the term charso paar which means over 400 seats. To be fair they did emerge as single largest party. But with so much development and construction of Ayodhya Temple everyone was predicting them getting more seats than in 2019 general elections. And yet results surprised most political pundits as well as astrologers who had predicted a comfortable victory for Modi. Even we predicted a comfortable victory for Modi and we are not afraid to admit we got it horribly wrong.
Political factors are outside the scope of this article. This article will focus only on astrological factors and road ahead for Mr. Modi.
Election results were announced on 4th June 2024. Below are the possible astrological factors which lead to lower seat tally for Modi.
- Birth-Time Moon: There was aspect of Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu on his birth-time Moon.
- Eight House: Eight house deals with despair. Eight house had Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus on 4th June 2024.
- Career House: Tenth house is known as career house. Career house had negative influence of Mars and Rahu on election day.
- Dusthamsthanas: Dushamsthanas is made of two words: Dusham which means contaminated and sthanas which means houses. Sixth house, eight house and twelfth house are considered as dushamsthas or contaminated houses. Sixth lord Jupiter, eight lord Venus and twelfth lord Mercury were together in eight house of despair and transformation on 4th June 2024.
- Foreign Detractors: Rahu is significator for foreign. And Rahu in sixth house which deals with enemies caused problems via foreign detractors. Foreign agents played a huge role in driving public perception against Modi especially among youth.

Eight house and eight sign(Scorpio) deal with death, despair, divorce and transformation. It also deals with inheritance. On 4th June 2024 there were heavy influences on both eight house and eight sign Scorpio. As such certain political transformation were guaranteed.
That included almost complete wipeout of Mr. Naveen Patnaik in Odisha, Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao in Telangana and Mr. Jagan Reddy in Andhra Pradesh. Only thing that saved Mr. Modi was his hard work and probably strong Chandra-Mangala Yoga due to Mars+Moon in his seventh house on counting day(4th June 2024).
Currently time is tough for Modi and with Saturn turning retrograde between July to Mid-November 2024 it maybe difficult for him to run a coalition government. Time between April to Mid-May 2025 is another extremely challenging period when majority of planets are in his sixth house of struggles.
Since he has already decided to go with a coalition government there is no point arguing against its merits. Rahu and Jupiter's troublesome transits via sixth house and eight house can trouble him until Mid-May 2025. Later Saturn's transit via Pisces will ensure some struggles, transformations and losses. Ofcourse Rahu's friendly transit over his fifth house of fame and Jupiter's transit over his tenth house of career and eleventh house of networking will greatly benefit him in troubling times.
Mr. Modi should step down before start of Rahu Dasha. He has already accomplished unbelievable feats and nation will forever be indebted to him. There is no requirement to tarnish his reputation by continuing to lead in Rahu Dasha. Mr. Modi has very strong Ketu+Sun in 12th house which indicates this is his final birth and he will achieve moksha.
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