Donald Trump is clear favorites to win US 2024 elections. But it won't be easy as Alexander Soros who is prominent figure in left cabal has openly come out in support of Kamala Harris. There are plenty of reports going round of election interference by big tech giants. Its fair to assume that it would be Trump facing off against not just Kamala Harris but entire liberal cabal. Trump is odds all favorite to win on paper atleast. Ofcourse astrological factors suggests a tough fight for Mr. Trump.
Birth-Time Horoscope Of Donald Trump

Mr. Trump survived an assassination attempt on 13th July 2024. There were several round of bullets fired at him which managed to damage his right ear and kill atleast one person in attendance. Eight house deals with death. On day of the attempted assassination Mr. Trump had Rahu in eight house and aspect of Moon on it. Rahu in eight house is known to give quick and instantaneous death. And eight lord Jupiter was with Mars which signifies weapons. Trump was shot using a rifle. So chances of assassination going right were not entirely ruled out. The heroic defiant pose at time of assassination was probably due to Jupiter+Mars aspecting Scorpio ascendant at time of shooting.
Birth-Time Horoscope Of Kamala Harris

Based on her birth details available on internet Ms. Kamala Harris has debilitated Mars and debilitated Sun in her horoscope which is never a good sign for top post. Many great leaders including Sardar Patel, Lal Krishna Advani Ji and Hillary Clinton lost out on top post because of debilitated Sun in horoscope.
Surprisingly her overall horoscope isn't bad with friendly Rahu and Ketu, own-sign Saturn and Sun doing Parivartana Yoga with Venus. Still it will be safe to assume she will never achieve fame or popularity like Mr. Trump or even Mr. Obama even if she manages to become President of America.
Surprisingly though many of birth time placements of Ms. Kamala Harris match with the planetary placements on election date(5th November 2024). Sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in leo and Saturn in Aquarius on election date are same as birth-time placement of Ms. Kamala Harris.
Transit Chart on Election Date For Donald Trump

Mr. Trump is odds all favorite to win the elections. But atleast horoscope doesn't show an easy victory. Tenth house deals with career and career prestige. Tenth house will have Jupiter in its enemy sign(Taurus) and its lord Venus will be afflicted by aspect of Saturn and Rahu on election day as well as swearing-in day.
Not just that his fortune lord Mars is in twelfth house of losses and aspected by Rahu. Also Mercury who is lord of his house of gains is also afflicted by Rahu and Saturn. Safe to say it won't be easy at all for Mr. Trump.
There is a chance for a political upset and that Mr. Trump may perhaps lose the elections. And Ms. Kamala Harris may just become the first female POTUS. She may never achieve the popularity of Mr. Trump and most likely have limited control and power. But atleast horoscope would favor her to pull an upset.
Astrology by all means is a predictive subject. And we have gone wrong previously also with 2024 Indian election results. So please treat this article prediction as a probability and not an absolute certainty.
Mr. Trump remains odds all favorite to win the elections if elections are conducted freely and fairly. But if there is outside interference than there is a possibility that there can be an upset much like in France where odds all favorite Ms. Marine Le Pen lost the elections.
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