Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Cancer Sign is a movable sign, watery by nature and female by gender. Moon is lord of this ascendant. Shri Ram was born with Cancer Ascendant. This is one of the best ascendants for both males and females as it gives a genuine personality with caring and compassionate attitude. Jupiter in Cancer Ascendant is the greatest benefic a person can have. The only flaws for Cancer Ascendant natives are the first marriage and health.

Benefics and Malefics

Jupiter and Mars are considered benefics. Mars is the best benefic being lord of fifth house and tenth house.

Venus and Mercury are considered malefics for this ascendant.

Saturn, Moon and Sun are considered neutrals.

Saturn and Sun are marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Males can be short to medium height. They have a round face, small but prominent nose and unscrupulous hair. They have a fair complexion unless malefics occupy ascendant. Eye color is black and eyes are slanty. If Mars, Saturn or Ketu occupy ascendant then chances of thin and slim body are high. Otherwise in all other cases body can be rounded and bit obese especially after they age.


Males of this ascendant have a kind and caring personality. They are passive, kind and full of empathy for others. They have virtues of the highest order. They are generally admired by both males and females. Their kindness and compassion for others is a noble quality which makes them stand out among their male counterparts. This holds especially true if birth ascendant falls in Punarvasu nakshatra.

If birth ascendant falls in Pushya or Ashlesha than there can be slighly complicated personality as these nakshatras belong to Saturn and Mercury. Still these placements will make them self reliable and hard working from a very young age. If Mars occupies ascendant then that could create for a highly unstable mindset. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in ascendant also cause frustration and mental agony.


Cancer Sign represents home, motherland and mother. As such business related to real estate, defense, cooking and counseling are well suited. They can start a real estate or construction business, start their own restaurant, hotel or fast food chain, start manufacturing of defense equipments and weapons and also help others by starting charity foundation, pet shelter, community support or immigration advisers and helpers. Males with Mars influencing career house or service house should opt for career in defense sector.

Their kind and loving nature makes them ideal for roles of doctor, counselor, community helper, immigration and emotional support. Besides that they can also work in defense sectors, education, religious institution, hospitals or in government. They are less suited for jobs which require analytical work and logical skills. They are more suited for jobs which involve support and care.

Marriage and Family

Males of this ascendant are honest, sincere, obedient and faithful yet all they get in a marriage are the opposite. Unless there are favourable aspects on seventh house there is every possibility of having a difficult first marriage. Both spouse and in-laws can be rigid and criticise the native unnecessarily. If spouse and in-laws refuse to change than it maybe wise to seek separation.

Second marriage could very well work in favour of the natives as second marriage is ruled by Leo Sign and Sun who are friendly to ascendant. Even if there is no divorce there are bound to be conflicts initiated by the partner with no fault of male natives. Lovers could also be manipulative as Scorpio rules the fifth house. Relationship with children can also have it share of problems. Mother can be loving and caring personality due to Libra in fourth house. Father can have anger issues and places unnecessary expectation on male native.


Males can suffer from problems related cough and cold unless there are favourable aspects on ascendant. In dry weather they are prone to suffer from dehydration. They also could have troubles in knee-joints, fever, swelling and back pain. Their mental state could also be subject to change if they pass through a painful ordeal. They can also suffer from problems in kidneys and urinary tract especially if seventh house and Libra are afflicted.


Kind, obedient, orderly, patient, compassionate, empathy, imaginative and shy


Impatient, short attention span, pacifists and emotional.


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