Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Leo Sign is a fixed sign, fiery in nature and male by gender. In terms of career and popularity it is one of the best ascendant to have. The lord of this ascendant is Sun who is king among planets. Females are endowed with all the qualities of Sun like confidence, royalty, splendor and extravagence. It also gives good leadership skills especially if Sun and tenth house are endowed with strength. This is a great ascendant for females who are career oriented and love their personal freedom.

Benefics and Malefics

Mars and Sun are benefics with Mars being the best benefic.

Mercury and Venus are considered malefics.

Jupiter, Moon and Saturn are considered neutrals for this ascendant

Saturn and Mercury are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Females have large and beautiful eyes. Hair color is normally brownish. They have attractive face, broad forehead with thick and long hair like a mane of lion(symbol of Leo is lion). Skin is dusky but radiant like the Sun. They are tall or medium in height. Generally they have a slim body with a strong bone structure. Ascendant in Magha nakshatra can cause hair loss and forehead to grow larger as they age. Ascendant in Uttara Phalguni and Purva Phalguni helps them retain their youthful looks for a long time.


Females are confident and firm in their views. They normally command respect, idolization and attention from others. Females are ambitious, enterprising, large hearted and love having independent views. They love to work out in order to stay fit and healthy. They walk and talk in a confident manner. Their confidence can be confused for arrogance so due care is advised when dealing with sensitive people. Females normally don't like taking orders from others whether its spouse, parents or boss. One drawback is their inability to emphathize with other less fortunate souls.


Females are confident, enterprising and possess excellent leadership skills. As such they have all the attributes to rise to top level positions in jobs. Females can have an ideal career in entertainment and media sector especially if Venus influences career house. They can also have a wonderful career in finance and banking sector. Besides that working in MNC's, fashion, cosmetics and fragrance sector is suited for them.

Business related to entertainment, consultancy, management, IT industry, pharmacy and medical equipments is suitable. They can also work in electric and power sector or set up a shop for electrical appliances. They can also become doctors provided career lord Venus or service lord Saturn are in strength and placed with Mars or Ketu. Leo females hates doing menial work and are more suitable to direct subordinates to do the necessary hard work for them. Leo's can also work as social media influencers, television artists, news broadcasters or any place where good looks and confidence are required.

Marriage and Family

Leo Ascendant females value their independence and freedom of thought and speech. They also love to be center of attention in parties and social events so a partner who is willing to play second fiddle is advised. Many times females fall for a partner who is much older or younger to them. Partners defined by Aquarius and Saturn can be reserved, unsure and an introvert personality. Partner is generally tall and thin. Partner could be working in medical or IT field though not always the case.

Leo females are generally extrovert, confident and love the attention. While spouse is the exact opposite which causes differences and frictions in mariage. Marriage can have plenty of ego clash. Marriage requires setting and respecting each others boundaries as well as accepting inherent flaws in character and personality of each other. Children can be bright, fortunate and religious due to Sagittarius in fifth house. Mother can be caring but may have emotional scars due to Scorpio in fourth house. Father can be loving, caring and spoils female natives with affection, presents and sweets.


Females with Leo Ascendant suffer from acidity, heart problems, stomach and joint pain, diseases of bones and spinal cord, blood impurities, ulcers in stomach and intestine problems. They can also have urinal problems.


Trustworthy, confident, enterprising, firm minded, ambitious, independent thinking


Arrogance, susceptible to flattery, lacking empathy, excessive showoff, argumentative. 


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