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Late Marriage Blues

     There have been a few articles about late marriage like late marriage blues which gives reasons for late marriage. Another one is Jupiter and Late Marriage which shows how Jupiter influencing marriage house is also responsible for late marriage. Then there is article titled Capricorn Ascendants and Marriage which describes how marriage is late for natives born with Capricorn Ascendants. Finally there is an article titled Exalted Saturn and Debilitated Marriage showing marriage is either late or goes bad for those with exalted Saturn influencing certain houses.

     With new research data coming up its easier to derive a correlation between late marriage and planetary factors which cause it. One of the factors we have noticed is natives with Virgo Ascendant seem to marry late especially if Jupiter or Venus are aspecting the marriage house and twelfth house seems to have Venus, Sun or Ketu. Below are three examples charts which are used as reference point to explain our conclusion.

Sample Chart 1
virgo sample 1
virgo sample 1

     Above provided horoscope is of person who is nearing 50 years and hasn't been able to marry yet even though he has a stable job. There are multiple factors suggesting late marriage like bad twelfth house as well as pluto and jupiter aspecting marriage house. But the point to note is that he is born with Virgo Ascendant and has Pisces Sign in marriage house aspected by Jupiter.

Sample Chart 2
virgo sample 2
virgo sample 2

     Above provided horoscope is of person who is born in 1984 and still hasn't been able to find the right partner for marriage. There is ofcourse a bad twelfth house which reduces sex and bedroom pleasures in his life but there is also Virgo Ascendant with Pisces Sign in marriage house and marriage house being aspected by Venus. This person has wrong ideas about marriage due to Venus debilitated in Virgo Sign. Venus should have corrected itself via NBRY. But it seems his views on marriage are still not practical enough to allow him to settle down. There is also Saturn+Pluto in second house which deals with family so the delay in starting ones own family.

Sample Chart 3
virgo sample 3
virgo sample 3

     Above provided horoscope is of person who is living in a small town. This chart doesn't have major complications. True there is Venus in twelfth house in Leo Sign but for other ascendants Venus in twelfth house doesn't seem to be that much of an issue. But for Capricorn Ascendant, Virgo Ascendant and Taurus Ascendant it can be an issue if Venus happens to be in the twelfth house cause there would be fiery sign in twelfth house for all these ascendants which burns down love, romance and sex from a person's life. Jupiter aspecting marriage house may also be a reason for delay. There is also Saturn+Pluto in second house which deals with family so the delay in starting own family.

Virgo Ascendants and Late Marriage

     There is always a pattern that can be observed in late marriages. For Virgo Ascendant it seems to be the Pisces Sign in seventh house and Leo Sign in twelfth house which seem to cause delays. Pisces Sign if aspected by Jupiter, Pluto or Venus and Leo Sign having Ketu, Sun or Venus generally signify late marriage in life of Virgo Ascendants.

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