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House Of Struggles

     Sixth house is the house of debt, disease, enemies and service roles. Anything associated with sixth house requires struggles and consistent efforts. Whether its getting rid of debts, whether its becoming healthy again, whether its getting and keeping a job or whether it is winning against opponents.

     When birth-time Venus for males and birth-time Jupiter for females is placed in sixth house than it will become a struggle for them to marry or sustain marriage. If the degree of Venus or Jupiter is above twenty-five degrees than one can expect lifetime of struggles in getting and remaining married. Below are example horoscope which validate the assumption.

Example Horoscope 1
struggle marry north
struggle marry south

     In a male chart placement of Venus is used to know about places and ways a native can obtain his spouse. Above provided horoscope is of a male native who has Venus in sixth house at 29 degrees. He has been seeking a suitable spouse for close to eight years without success.

     He struggled for multiple years to win over the affection of girl he loved. Yet that girl chose to marry someone else on foreign soil. To add salt to the wound he got a repeat of same fate when he tried to win affection of a girl who was defrauded in marriage.

     Venus is the planet of love and romance. Placement in sixth house at 29 degrees makes native struggle to win over affection of female natives.

Example Horoscope 2
struggle marry north
career malefics south

     In a female chart placement of Jupiter is used to know about places and ways a native can obtain her spouse. Above provided horoscope is of a female native who has Jupiter in sixth house. She was romantically involved with someone who had commitment phobia.

     The girl waited for close to six year for the boy to see her worth and commit to spending a lifetime with her. She and her family did everything to make the boy feel welcomed and loved. They even took him to a romantic getaway in a hope he would pop the question there. Eventually boy did relent and decided to marry the girl.

     But his commitment phobia got the better of him and the wedding had to be cancelled just two days prior. Girl was devastated and so were her family. But Jupiter in her sixth house all but ensured that all her efforts, patience and struggles would go in vain.

Example Horoscope 3
struggle marry north
career malefics south

     Above provided horoscope is of a male native who has Venus+Jupiter in sixth house. Unfortunately for him Venus also happens to be marriage house lord.

     With Jupiter+Venus aspecting 12th house which has friendly sign his sex life is good. He has been in relationship with multiple female natives. But he could not convince anyone to share a lifetime with him due to his struggling career.

     Venus in sixth house means he struggles to stay in relationship for long. At present he is in live-in relationship with a cousin who is eleven years older. But there is every possibility that relationship may not survive Sade-Sati which starts around March 2028 and runs until around Mid-July 2034.

Struggles Possible

     If a concerned male has Venus in sixth house and a concerned female has Jupiter in sixth house than there is every possibility that such natives may struggle to win over affection of their love interest. If by chance they are already married they may struggle to keep the relationship afloat and may have to sacrifice a lot to keep the relationship strong.

     Cause sixth house is the house of struggles. And having Venus or Jupiter in it ensures native has to struggle to convince partner to marry him/her. While having seventh house lord in sixth house means native has to struggle and sacrifice a lot to keep his/her marriage afloat.

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