Astro Isha

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Propose or Not?

     With Valentine's day around the corner many singles would try and propose to their object of affection. As explained in earlier articles its not necessary to propose on Valentine's unless absolutely sure of a positive response. Doing it when Moon is in Rohini Nakshatra is a much better idea. Cause Rohini is the nakshatra of love. Alternatively you can propose when a benefic planet influences romance house(fifth house) via placement or aspect.

For Couples and Love Birds

     Couples and love birds who are already in steady relationship can plan marriage around Valentine's Day especially between 15th February 2023 to 12th March 2023 when Jupiter+Venus combine in Pisces. Normally when you think of marriage you think of saptapadi via vedic rituals or similar wedding vows where couples decide to share all the good and bad together throughout lifetime. But according to Manusmriti there are marriages where wedding vows are not essential. Albeit they are not encouraged but they are considered marriage none the less.

     There are eight other types of vivaah(marriage). In modern day framework some of them may not qualify as marriages and rightly so. Even in oldern traditions only first four types were approved by society. But other three were considered legal albeit with reservations. Only paisacha vivaah was considered invalid and condemned. Lets dwelve into the type of marriages

Brahma Vivaah

     Here parents are involved prior to the fateful union. Either the boy or girl's parents go with a proposal for a marriage union. And if the opposite sets of parents as well as boy and girl agree than marriage is initiated.

     Arranged marriages in modern context come under the category of Brahma Vivaah(marriage). In Brahma Vivaah there are no bribes, dowry and other incentives to either families. The father of the bride gives kanyadaan and is a daata(giver) while the boy and his family are yachak(taker) who accept bride's hand and promise to take care of her.

     Manu gives importance to this type of marriage cause its done after approval of all family members and that is why he gives it a Godly name(Brahma).

Daiva Vivaah

     Daiva Vivaah is when parents of bride are unable to find a suitable spouse for her who has equal status. So they give hand of their daughter to a family with good moral values hoping they would treat their daughter right. Some famous examples are Manu who gave Khyati's hand to Maharishi Bhrigu and Maharishi Agastya who got hand of Lopamudra.

     In modern context when a rich and affluent family or say a family which lives on foreign soil cannot find a suitable spouse within own community and with equal status than they accept a boy/girl who is lower in status but whose family has high moral values and will keep the spouse happy. Here the moral character of the boy/girl and his family is considered for marriage. And high moral values of the boy/girl and their parents would prevent them from blackmailing the girl/boy and her parents.

Arsha Vivaah

     Arsha Vivaah is when parents of bride/groom decide to gift their daughters/sons hand in exchange for some gifts. In olden days cows and bulls were given as gifts.

     In modern context any marriage where some amount of gifts are received can be termed as Arsha Vivaah. Here the important point is there is minimum give and take. No exorbitant demand is made or accepted by boy and girls' family.

Prajapatya Vivaah

     In old context Prajapatya Vivaah was more or less similar to Brahma Marriage with parents are more interested in social acceptance and increasing their progeny.

     In modern context the parents either give consent to love marriage where bride and groom find each other and seek marriage union. Or where the parents hurriedly marry off their children cause they feel its important that their children get married and increase family tree. In Prajapatya Marriage acceptance from society forms basis for marriage.

Asura Vivaah

     In old context Asura Vivaah was said to occur when a rich person bribes the family as well as the boy or girl to marry them. In such type of marriage there is always certain amount of greed involved.

     In modern context many parents seek a boy who is well-settled and has a government job, high salaried job or lives abroad. They are willing to give money, expensive car and a fully furnished house as dowry to the groom.

Gandharva Vivaah

     Gandharva Vivaah is when boy and girl fall in love with each other and decide to spend their life together. Shakuntala's marriage to Raja Dushyant is the most famous example of Gandharva Vivaah in oldern texts.

     In modern context lovers who fall in love and register for court marriage can be termed to have performed Gandharva Vivaah. Live-in couples who stay together for a considerable time and share the good and bad times together may also classify under Gandharva Vivaah. If the live-in couple has kids and involved in raising them together than that should qualify under Gandharva Vivaah. Perhaps even gay marriage can be termed as Gandharva Vivaah especially in countries where gay marriage is illegal. As long as lovers stay together for a long time and share the good and bad they can said to have done Gandharva Vivaah.

Rakshasha Vivaah

     Rakshasha Vivaah can be best described as forced marriage. Where consent of the girl is not taken into consideration. And either the father or the groom forcefully marry the girl against her wishes. In rare cases it could also be the boy being forcefully married against his wishes. In oldern text the best example maybe Bhisma taking Amba, Ambalika and Ambika by force against their consent. And that too for Vichitravirya.

     Rakshasha wedding is quite common in a few sects and religion where honor is placed paramount over girls wishes. In certain regions of India there is forceful marriage of boy done and is called Jabran Vivaah. This may also classify under Rakshasha Vivaah.

Paisacha Vivaah

     Worst of the lot is called Paisacha Vivaah. In modern day terms it is called molestation or rape and rightly so. Here the girl is intoxicated or asleep so she has no idea what happens. This is the lowest form of vivaah and considered invalid in both oldern and modern context. But there are certain unfortunate girls and boys who have to go through this terrible ordeal.

Where Does Astrology Fit?

     Astrology can be used to predict the type of marriage posisble. When Venus/Jupiter is in eight house it generally leads to Arsha or Asura Vivaah where you boy or girl get certain dowry or inheritance after marriage. When Jupiter/Venus is in fourth house or ninth house than perhaps it may lead to Daiva Vivaah. When there are benefics in first house or seventh house than it may lead to Brahma Vivaah. When there is Venus+Mars or other such combinations for love marriage there can be Gandharva or Prajapatya Vivaah. Girls need to check placement of their Jupiter while boys need to look at placement of their Venus do know about places where they can find their future spouse.


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