Astrology is a great antithesis. What is observed in real life is sometimes the opposite of what is written in classical astrological texts. And to top it off sometimes the most absurd statements about astrology often turn out true when you examine certain horoscopes. Astrology puts Moon, Jupiter and Venus in category of benefics. Benefics are good planets and as such their influence on marriage house should imply an early marriage. To be fair benenfic placements or aspects do largely lead to happy married life. But that does not mean marriage is at right time.
Since Moon matures at 24 years one would think marriage can happen between 22-26 years which is the right age for marriage. And yet there is no sign of finding marriage partner even at 40 in some cases. Below are example charts where Moon influencing marriage house lead to late marriage or to be more precise couldn't stop the delay in marriage.

The concerned female native is born in 1973. She has Moon in ascendant and aspecting marriage house. Both the placement and aspect are on friendly sign. As such there should be no problems in marriage. And yet she is struggling to marry and settle down even in 2023.
Ofcourse there is aspect of Rahu also on marriage house which has enemy Aries Sign. Not to mention a bad second house and twelfth house which are delaying start of her sex life and family life. But the point to note is a natural benefic is not able to negate other bad factors and allow her to marry.

The concerned native is born in 1983. He has Virgo Ascendant which is known for late marriage. Not to mention Saturn+Pluto in second house which can delay starting family.
But the point to note is marriage house has Moon in friendly Pisces Sign and aspect of Jupiter on own-sign. Even having two benefic influence on a favorable sign cannot stop the delay in marriage.

The concerned female native is born in 1982. She has Leo Ascendant and Moon in ascendant. Her second house has influence of Mars+Saturn which indicates troubles starting one's own family. Not to mention her eleventh house of gains which has Rahu and aspect of Saturn and Jupiter which can delay gaining spouse.
Her marriage house has Moon and aspect of Jupiter on enemy Aquarius Sign. Agreed effects on enemy sign are somewhat nullified but having aspect of two benefics on marriage house should lead to marriage atleast in favorable dasha periods or transits. Maybe starting family should be tough but not getting married. And yet she is unable to marry inspite of being quite beautiful and fit.
One common thing to notice in all these charts is Moon has no co-tenants. Irrelevant of aspects Moon without co-tenants influencing marriage house seems to make native undecided about marriage partner.
Natives who breathe a sign of relief when they see benefic influence their marriage house should understand that even benefics can delay marriage. Ofcourse there should be multiple factors in horoscope indicating late marriage. All you need is to get your horoscope analyzed for factors which are delaying marriage in your chart. Try and do remedies for the concerned problematic placements and leave the rest to God.
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